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可是圣约人的计策成功了。The Covenant ploy, however, had worked.

“在那里”立约的神来了!How near their God in covenant is brought!

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郑重对待你与天主订立的爱的盟约。Take seriously your Covenant of Love with God.

这笔钱是根据契约书付给我们的。The money was given to us by deed of covenant.

换句话说,我是用圣约神学来教她。In other words, I taught her covenant theology.

忽视了恩典之约的一致性。NCT ignores the unity of the covenant of grace.

犹太人发誓他们将遵行在正式的仪式以后,契约被封印。The covenant is then sealed by a formal ritual.

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于是二人在耶和华面前立约。The two of them made a covenant before the LORD.

这是星盟标准战术思维。This was the standard Covenant tactical thinking.

首先,让我们先认识什么是圣约。First, let's make sure we know what a covenant is.

耶和华我们的神在何烈山与我们立约。The LORD our God made a covenant with us at Horeb.

上主我们的天主在曷勒布与我们立了约。The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb.

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不可和他们并他们的神立约。Do not make a covenant with them or with their gods.

旧约教授,曾任教于圣约神学院,惠敦大学。Er professor, Covenant Seminary and Wheaton College.

一七之内,他必与许多人坚定盟约。He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.

方舟本身包含着写有契约的便笺。The ark itself contained the tablets of the covenant.

两艘圣约人驱逐舰突然出现在屏幕里。The two Covenant destroyers snapped on center screen.

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的「新」是相较于摩西之约而言,而非亚伯拉罕之约。The New Covenant is new relative to Moses, not Abraham.

圣约神学是圣经全部启示的架构。Covenant theology structures all of Biblical revelation.

他签署了一个反对廉价出租屋的契约。He signed a covenant against under letting the premises.