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商洽联络作用。Negotiate liaison role.

你成为联系官多久了?How long have you beena liaison?

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她的姿势暗示了他们的暧昧关系。Her gesture suggested their liaison.

美国联邦调查局2002年在北京设置了一个联络处。The FBI set up a liaison office in Beijing in 2002.

设计联络会议在一个月后顺利结束。The liaison meting closed successfully one month later.

协调官直接向领队报告。The Liaison Officer reports directly to the Team Leader.

学校与多家市政机关联办。School Liaison Office with a number of municipal authorities.

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这位党卫队首领的联络官菲格莱因现在正在他的掌握中。He had the S. S. chief's liaison man , Fegelein, in his hands.

谈判者充当劳资双方的联络人。The negotiator acted as liaison between labour and management.

本文首先给出了英语口语发音中连读的评估模型。First, it is the evaluation model of liaison in spoken English.

该科也与本港各领事馆官员保持密切联络。It also maintains close liaison with local consulate officials.

如果有什么问题,请与大会联络处联系!If you have any problems, please contact the Liaison Department!

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营员与领队老师或联络官员无亲属关系。Campers should not be related to the chaperon or liaison officer.

在读课文时,我们要注意句子重音、意群和连读。Pay more attention to the sentence stress sense groups and liaison.

他们说,警察不能继续执行公务,除非联系人到了这里。They're saying the police can'tproceed until the liaison gets here.

对不起,我是进出口部联络处的刘莉。I'm Liu Li from the Liaison Office of the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

他是我们的电影人联络官,也是新北京国际电影交流网的主要志愿者。Peter Salladé is a filmmaker liaison and chief volunteer at the NBIMF.

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文件送交至请求书中指明的联系人。The document shall be sent to the liaison person named in the request.

图为该部队联络官在锡兰基地受训时合影。The picture shows the unit's liaison officers being trained in Ceylon.

麻瓜联络司的门砰地一声打开了,他走了进去。The door to the Muggle Liaison Office banged open as he walked through.