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一只肥猫。A fat cat.

一坨脂肪么?lumps of fat?

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我知道我的脚丫子挺肥。I know it is fat.

我很胖,而且又懒。I'm fat and lazy!

他长得非常肥。He looks very fat.

有着婴儿肥。With the baby fat.

他不吃肥肉。He doesn't eat fat.

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库库是非常脂肪。Koukou is very fat.

不行。连点机会都没有。No way. Fat chance.

你当不了,你太肥了。No, you're too fat.

你喜欢胖女孩儿?。You like fat girls?

他太胖,跑不动。He is too fat to run.

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我觉得我太胖了。I think I am too fat.

好肥的男人啊!What a fat man he is!

反式脂肪呢What about Trans fat?

不够我还是觉得自己太胖了。But I am still so fat.

我穿这个看起来胖吗?Do I look fat in this?

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肥鸡下蛋稀。Fat hens lay few eggs.

看,一个又大又胖的猪。He is as fat as a pig.

嗯,这是你的胖老鼠。Here's your fat mouse.