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接受者加拿大熏鳟鱼,阿拉斯加鲑鱼和湖优越的白鱼。Purveyor of smoked Canadian trout, Alaskan salmon and Lake Superior whitefish.

1999年和2000年,美国人还认为三星是低端的显像管电视的生产商,到2004年,三星开始与索尼在高端个人电子产品市场展开竞争。Back in 1999 and 2000, Americans viewed Samsung as a low-end purveyor of tube TVs.

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作为“天然和有机产品”的供应者,全食超市的一切都打着绿色标签。As a purveyor of "natural and organic produce", everything about Whole Foods shouts green.

美国谈判者的角色变成了一个没有个人感情的信息及现金的供应者。The American negotiator’s role becomes that of an impersonal purveyor of information and cash.

美国谈判员的角色变成了提供信息和资金的没有人情味的传声筒。The American negotiator 's role becomes that of an impersonal purveyor of information and cash.

莫扎特毕竟不仅是作屈家,而且是崆前的最大戏剧天才之一。Mozart was after all not a mere purveyor of music but one of the supreme dramatic geniuses of all time.

一个高尔夫球的经销商可以在用户搜索“高尔夫”或更具体的“高尔夫球”时向用户显示自已公司的广告。A purveyor of golf balls could have its ad shown to everyone who searched for “golf” or, even better, “golf balls.”

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在最广的意义上,这种一个承办商和另一个进行贸易的做法和商业一样古老。In the broadest sense, the practice of one purveyor of goods doing trade with another is as old as commerce itself.

擦鞋提供商耐克动用汽车行业可能听起来灾难性的,但耐克是一个不可否认的性感单座。Shoe purveyor dipping into the auto industry may sound disastrous, but the ONE is an undeniably sexy single seater.

波琳的父亲,朱利叶斯·科赫,是一个谷物经销商,并且承包了符腾堡皇家的销售这使他积累了一大笔财产。Pauline's father, Julius Koch, had built a considerable fortune as a grain dealer and purveyor to the royal Württemberg court.

波琳的父亲,朱利叶斯·科赫,是一个谷物经销商,并且承包了符腾堡皇家的销售这使他积累了一大笔财产。Pauline’s father, Julius Koch, had built a considerable fortune as a grain dealer and purveyor to the royal Württemberg court.

应该说,是星巴克提高了“好咖啡”的门槛,星巴克在北美可谓无处不在,而快餐店提供的咖啡只能算是品质一般的咖啡了。Starbucks, the omni-present purveyor of lattes and espressos was probably most responsible for raising the bar on what constitutes good coffee.

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该频道在1996年把自己重新定位为以弹出视频方式提供华丽怀旧的供应者,在六年后以“我爱80年代”达到了形式的完美。The channel reinvented itself in 1996 as a purveyor of tawdry nostalgia with Pop-Up Video and perfected the form six years later with I Love the 80s.

美国国务次卿夏纳说,因特网是历史上传播新闻和资讯的最伟大工具,也是新闻检查当局的恶梦。U. S. Undersecretaryof State, Josette Shine, says the Internet is the greatest purveyor of news and informationinhistory, anda nightmare for censors.

美国次国务卿夏纳说,网际网路是历史上传播新闻和资讯的最伟大工具,也是新闻检查当局的恶梦。U. S. Undersecretary of State, Josette Shine, says the Internet is the greatest purveyor of news and information in history, and a nightmare for censors.

HTC长期以高端产品供应商而自豪,经过2013年的损失后,该公司表示需要卖出更多人们能够承受的中端手机。The company that has long prided itself as a purveyor of upscale, feature-loaded products says it needs to sell more mid-tier and affordable smartphones after losing out in 2013.

这家提供iPad、iPhone和iTune的公司在上周二收盘后发布财报,说它在第二季度的利润和收入远高于预期。Reporting after the close on Tuesday, the purveyor of iPads, iPhones and iTunes said it had recorded much stronger earnings and revenue than anticipated during the second quarter.

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从早年在通讯社当记者时开始,沃尔特·克朗凯特就喜欢将自己比作一名公正无私的事实供应者,像“堪萨斯城的送奶工”一样将事实用不带感情和偏见的方式提供给受众。From his early days as a wire service reporter, Walter Cronkite liked to represent himself as a disinterested purveyor of facts to an audience that he called "the Kansas City milkman."

为什么英国不能紧紧把握住美洲豹、路虎、迷你、朗特里、泰晤士报这些标志性的品牌?WHY can't Britain hang on to ownership of iconic brands such as Jaguar, Land Rover, the Mini, Rowntree, the Times and now Cadbury, purveyor of chocolate to children of the British empire?

安在勇也得知音讯到了万滨村,阿三哥义愤填膺地控诉IPIC,他如今以为安在勇曾经改动,变成替IPIC说话传声筒不再是真相英雄。Ann in yong also learned to WanBin village, from three elder brother outraged indictment, o IPIC, he now thought Ann in yong once spoke for change, become IPIC purveyor is no longer the truth hero.