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他别无选择,只有在那个小旅店中住一宿了。He had no choice but to kip in that small inn.

孩子们离开帐篷到露天睡觉。The children left the tent to kip out in the open.

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鲍伯正在向大家解释为什麽他的朋友奇普用枪射他。Bob is explaining to the police why his friend, Kip , shot him.

他非常疲劳,渴望能在哪儿躺下睡一会。He was so tired that he desired to kip down somewhere for a while.

在进入知识创新工程的下一阶段之际,中科院面临一系列的问题。CAS faces a series of questions as it moves to the next phase of KIP.

作为回报,他们在一个发展中国家取得装备建造脱壳机。In return, they take a kip kit and build the sheller in a developing country.

夏天每晚都有成千上万的年轻人在海滩上露宿。Every night during the summer thousands of young people kip out on the beaches.

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半径解决方案增加了两个新的工作人员,硖约翰逊和约翰雷诺兹。Radius Solutions has added two new staff members, Kip Johnson and John Reynolds.

引发创作的源头,来自人、飞蛾和石硖尾工厂大厦。Its creation originated from people, moths, and the Shek Kip Mei Factory Building.

而且,摄影师克博•富贝克说道,他想用书中的画像表达出的就是以上那些东西。And that, says photographer Kip Fulbeck, is what he wanted the portraits in his book to show.

基普在巴比伦找到布莱恩,对他说因为两人都是同性恋布莱恩理应相助。At Babylon, Kip seeks out Brian and tells him he should have helped because they are both gay.

一九五三年石硖尾大火,数干居民于一夜之间痛失家园。In the wake of the Shek Kip Mei fire in 1953, thousands of residents in the area were made homeless.

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已拆卸的石硖尾邨第38座,在车用斜台下可见公共厕所及浴室的痕迹。Remains of demolished Block 38, Shek Kip Mei Estate. Public toilet and bathroom could be seen under the slope.

石硖尾的座楼将变成一个综艺社区,包含著不同的艺术工作室、画廊、商店等。The Shek Kip Mei Estate block transforms into an art community with different shops, studio and art galleries.

谷底断崖层叠,横瀑飞流,自北而南有柳条、饮马、石峡三湾。Cascading cliff bottom, horizontal waterfall Fei Liu, north to south with wicker, water the horses, Shek Kip three Bay.

第二天基普以性骚扰为名起诉公司和布赖恩,称布赖恩曾经承诺以性爱为交换条件提拔自己。The next day Kip sues the firm and Brian for sexual harassment, claiming Brian promised a promotion in exchange for sex.

贾斯汀在巫迪酒吧看见基普,引诱他发生性关系,然后说基普和未成年人发生性关系已经违法。Justin sees Kip at Woody's bar and seduces him, then informs Kip he has broken the law by having sexual relations with a minor.

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当刚到公司三个月的基普要求布赖恩提拔他时,布赖恩说他缺少经验而马上回绝。When Kip asks Brian to promote him after three months with the company, Brian quickly refuses, citing Kip's lack of experience.

石硖尾村为本港第一幢落成的公共屋村,是香港公共房屋发展一个重要的里程碑。Being the first public housing estate, Shek Kip Mei Estate represents a milestone in the history of housing development in Hong Kong.

作家兼艺术家克博富贝克在他的新书“混血”中,展示出了一系列画像来赞美混血小孩儿的相貌。In his new book, "Mixed" writer and artist Kip Fulbeck presents a collection of portraits celebrating the faces of mixed-race children.