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和别人对话已经成为上个时代的遗物了。Conversation is a relic of a bygone age.

沉封的往事,梦想的舞台!The icebound bygone , The stage of dream!

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她不愿讲述往昔的事情。She didn't want to tell about bygone days.

象征昔日魅力及抱负的遗迹尚存。Still, traces of charm and bygone ambition survive.

哪一个名人能最典型的代表过去的时代?。But which celeb personifies this bygone era the best?

请别放那首歌。它会勾起我伤心的往事。Don't play that song, which reminds me of those sad bygone.

他和克林特简直就像来自上世纪的水手。He and Clint are rather like sailors from a bygone century.

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你可能会认为这是一张动过手脚的老照片,很蹩脚。You'll probably think it's just a crude hoax from bygone days.

过去的日子如轻烟,被微风吹散了。Those bygone days have been dispersed as smoke by a light wind.

往日的渡口已被那个隧道取代。The ferry service of bygone days has been replaced by that tunnel.

这些石柱在过去被称为是直布罗陀海峡。These pillars were known as the Straits of Gibraltar in bygone times.

许多人也发现打字机在过去一个世纪深得外交大使们的推崇。Many people also find typewriters charming ambassadors of a bygone era.

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加兹尼,曾是征服者的王座。如今,却被牛群和驴群践踏着它逝去的荣光。Oxen and donkeys tread the bygone glories at Ghazni, seat of conquerors.

我也不太害怕痛苦的死,因为那时代已经过去。Nor do I fear painful death for it is something belonging to a bygone age.

面包店、糖果店和茶坊就像那些存在于逝去的时代的店面。The baker's, sweet shop , and tea rooms are also like those of a bygone era.

昨天在得克萨斯州发生一起越狱案,两名卫兵和两名囚犯被杀逝世。Two bouncers and two bedfellows were dead in a prison break in Texas, bygone.

那件日夜盘据在她心头的住事,对于她母亲不过是一件过眼云烟的偶然事件罢了。That haunting episode of bygone days was to her mother but a passing accident.

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随着稳定成为停滞,普京日益成为过去10年的符号。As stability turns into stagnation, Mr Putin is becoming a symbol of the bygone 2000s.

人们常常解雇“的东西风水和传统的空间'为一个过去的时代。People often dismiss "Feng-Shui and traditional space' as something for a bygone era."

一尊在某个古老的遗迹被发现的塑像其实是逝去时代一个被石化的施法者。A statue found in an ancient ruin is actually a petrified spell caster from a bygone era.