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星期天我去沃尔沃斯购买餐具。I went to Woolworths on Sunday to buy crockery.

我们正打算向picc保险这批陶器呢?We are going to insure the crockery with the PICC.

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地震将杯盘刀叉震落在地上。The earthquake sent the crockery and cutlery crashing to the ground.

她碰到了桌子,把杯子、盘子都撞碎在地上了。She bump against the table and send the crockery crashing to the grind.

如果纪念币不对你的胃口,我们总还有纪念版婚礼瓷器。If coins aren't your thing, there's alwayscommemorative wedding crockery.

她撞在桌子上,使陶器哗啦一声碎落到地上。She bumped against the table and sent the crockery crashing to the ground.

他扫了一眼架子上的陶器,突然想出个主意。He glanced at the crockery on the shelf and suddenly an idea dawned on him.

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像杯垫,地垫,餐具,碗碟这类家居礼品有很高的实用价值。Household gifts like coasters, mats, cutlery, crockery are of high utility.

如果你发现自己长肉了,不妨买套新餐具。If you find yourself piling on the pounds, try buying a new set of crockery.

学生需要自带或需要购买做饭用的餐具,盘子,陶瓷餐具等。You will need to bring, or buy on arrival cutlery, pans for cooking, crockery etc.

此时,我听到了厨房厨具和陶罐移动的声音。By this time there were clear sounds of kitchen crockery and utensils moving around.

类似的还有摩托车中心的改造项目,因为从地里挖出了殖民时代的陶器碎片也没搞成。Likewise the proposed Motor Pool Improvement, on account of a shard of Colonial crockery.

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鹪鹩鸟在溪谷边的岩石上,或旧兔圈里的破瓦罐边叫不停。Wrens sputter around on the ravine rocks and broken crockery from the old rabbit hutches.

而且我们不久将提供给读者做一个有吸引力的纪念陶器范围。And we will shortly be making available to readers a range of attractive commemorative crockery.

他已向江苏工艺品进出口公司购买了一大批陶器货物。Seige from Australia has purchased a lot of Crockery from Jiangsu Art &Craft Import &Export Company.

脚后跟踩到什么利物,石头或是破碎的瓦片,瑟曦疼的叫了出来。Her heel came down on something sharp, a stone or piece of broken crockery. Cersei cried out in pain.

采访过程中,身穿制服的服务员端来了很多盘油炸小吃和茶——都用有ISI标志的陶器盛着。During the interview liveried servants ferry in trays of tea and fried snacks, served on ISI crockery.

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过去的皇家婚礼,商家里庆祝的陶器和亚麻布是古板而恭敬的。For the royal weddings of the past, the celebratory crockery and linen in shops was starchy and deferential.

挑选最精致的杯盘碗碟,给托的托盘盖子,桌上可以放几瓶鲜花。Pick up the best crockery in the house, decorate a tray with a beautiful tray cover and vase of fresh flowers.

请想象一下,在特洛伊人和雅典人的数轮大战之后,城邦中的各处必定留下了大量的陶器碎片。Think of it, with all that fighting between Troy and Athens there must have been crockery shards all over the place.