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吸入过多的臭氧会导致肺损伤。Breathing in too much ozone can cause lung damage.

臭氧氧化对人体全身的细胞。Ozone oxidizes the cells of the body systemically.

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二氧化氮和臭氧可以引起肺水肿。Nitrogen dioxide and ozone may cause pulmonary edema.

下面是30G移动式臭氧发生器的图片。Below is a picture of 30G mobile type ozone generator.

这幅图片上的阴影显示的是2009年的臭氧层空洞。The size and shape of the ozone hole is shown in 2009.

最终臭氧层被破坏。And you end up with the destruction of the ozone layer.

因为表层皮肤里的某些物质与臭氧相互作用时会产生副产物。Byproducts form as skin substances interact with ozone.

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具有臭氧浓度高,寿命长等特点。With ozone at high concentrations, long life and so on.

你们不知道该如何填补臭氧层的破洞吧?You don't know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer.

破坏臭氧的反应是链反应。The reaction of ozone destruction is the chain reaction.

气候变化带给臭氧层的消息是喜忧掺半的。Climate change is bringing mixed news to the ozone layer.

臭氧是公认的广谱、高效杀菌剂。Ozone is a broad-spectrum and high-performance bactericide.

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那么,让我们很快地画出臭氧的路易斯结构。So, let's quickly go through the Lewis structure for ozone.

臭氧发生机按配置可分为。Ozone happening machine can be divided by configuration for.

您还是免开尊口吧!所有热空气都会破坏臭氧层。Please shut up! All that hot air is damaging the Ozone Layer.

我们使用的臭氧浓度为每毫升40微克至100。We use ozone concentrations ranging from 40 to 100 ug per ml.

对臭氧层破坏,我们不用要氟利昂的产品。For ozone depletion, we don't use Freon -discharging products.

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现在,他知道了,“鲨烯就是那个大胃王!”Now, he finds, “this squalene is just great at chewing up ozone.”

验证了高铁酸钾和臭氧联用存在协同效应。Verify the synergistic effect of potassium ferrate combined ozone.

氯氟化碳一旦进人上层大气,就会与臭氧发生反应,从而破坏臭氧层。Once in the upper atmosphere, CFC's react with ozone to destroy it.