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这个量杯是你最好的朋友,或者应该是。This jigger is your best friend, or it should be.

卷染机在印染行业具有广泛的使用。Jigger machine is used extensively in the field of printing and dyeing.

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手动盘车,确保设备运行正常。Manually operate the jigger to guarantee that the equipment operate normally.

一量杯柯纳克白兰地,然后用香槟或汽水酒加满。A jigger of cognac, and you're going to top it off with champagne or sparkling wine.

介绍了动筛跳汰机在张集选煤厂的应用过程和应用效果。And the text introduced the application process and effect of moving jigger in Zhangji coal plant.

仿真结果表明该系统能实现对床层松散度的有效控制。Simulation indicates that effective control of the porosity in the jigger can be achieved via this system.

文章阐述了在进口意大利VGJ巨型卷染机上采用直接染料和活性染料对纯棉织物进行染色的情况。The paper expounded that cotton fabric was dyed with direct and reactive dyes in VGJ jumbo jigger imported from Italy.

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双桅帆船一种有纵帆装置的双桅航船,类似于双桅纵帆船,但在船尾的船舵放置有一种较小的补助帆桅。A two-masted fore-and-aft-rigged sailing vessel similar to the ketch but having a smaller jigger mast stepped abaft the rudder.

双桅帆船一种有纵帆装置的双桅航船,类似于双桅纵帆船,但在船尾的船舵放置有一种较小的补助帆桅。A two-masted fore- and-aft-rigged sailing vessel similar to the ketch but having a smaller jigger mast stepped abaft the rudder.

双桅帆船一种有纵帆装置的双桅航船,类似于双桅纵帆船,但在船尾的船舵放置有一种较小的补助帆桅。A two-masted fore-and-aft -rigged sailing vessel similar to the ketch but having a smaller jigger mast stepped abaft the rudder.

一种筛下空气室式跳汰机机体,属洗煤机械所涉及的跳汰机机体。The utility model relates to a jigger body with an air chamber under a sieve, belonging to the jigger body of a coal washing machine.

介绍了BATAC跳汰机的结构功能及操作方法,从而使大家了解了BATAC跳汰机是如何工作的,对提高跳汰机的操作水平很有帮助,并有利于提高洗煤的质量。The text introduces the structure, function and operation method of BATAC jigger, which can help everyone know how the BATAC jigger works.

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该文提出一种基于对角递归神经网络的内模控制系统,并以跳汰生产过程床层松散状况为对象进行了研究。This paper proposes an internal model control system based on recurrent neural network, and considers jigger layer loose condition as research object.

用模糊控制算法来对毛条染色机这一类大滞后大惯性系统的控制方法,经实际运行表明具有较强的实用价值。Fussy control on systems of large lag and large sluggishness such as woolen dye jigger has a lot of practical value and it has been proved by experiment.

在此基础上设计了适用于跳汰机排料系统的模糊PID控制器,利用MATLAB进行仿真,对控制效果进行了详细的分析。Based on this, Fuzzy PID Controller applied to jigger discharging system is designed with simulation by MATLAB, analysis in detail to the control effect is processed.

介绍了X-4032跳汰机在机体、风阀系统、排料系统、给料系统、除杂系统等方面的改进和改造后的使用效果。The improvement of X-4032 type jigger in organism, wind valve system, discharge system, feed system, impurity removed system and the improvement effect, are introduced.

本文采用有限元法,对某移门式卷染机的矩形开孔部位进行了应力计算和强度分析,对矩形孔边应力分布和开孔补强设计进行了讨。In this paper, by using finite element method, the stress calculation and strength analysis for the location of the rectangle opening in the dye jigger were carried out.

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在此基础上设计了适用于单室跳汰伺服系统的模糊P功控制器,利用MATLAB进行仿真,并对控制效果进行了详细的分析。Based on this, Fuzzy PID Controller applied to single room jigger servo system is designed with simulation by MATLAB, analysis in detail to the control effect is processed.

不需要检测器件来检测运行张力和运行速度,而且连布厚也不需要设置,卷染机控制系统通过自学习能轻松获得所有参数。It is not necessary to real time measure tension and speed when Jigger machine running. Further more it's also no need to set the parameter of cloth width in this system beforehand.