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你焦灼、兴奋。You're excited.

那消息使我们心情激动。The news excited us.

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他实在是太兴奋了。He is just so excited.

夏天让我很激奋。I'm excited for summer.

他太冲动了,说不出话来。He is too excited to eak.

令我激动与心跳。So excited and palpitate.

什么事使你这么样激动?What made you so excited?

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在激动时一挥而就。Do it when you’re excited.

他既惊讶又激动,兴奋难以言表。He was amazed and excited.

听到这个音讯,我很兴奋。B- I'm excited by the news.

她的新衣服正好可身。Her new dress excited envy.

我们为落日的余辉而激动。We get excited about sunsets.

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无须乎着急。There's no need to get excited.

我就像中了头奖一样兴奋。excited like I won the jackpot.

您说话埘别激动。Don't get excited when you talk.

所以他们对于这个项目是很兴奋的。So they were very excited by it.

狂热的歌迷们乱哄哄地向前挤。The excited fans mobbed forward.

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我们都为这消息感到兴奋。We were all excited by the news.

歌利亚下台后仍然激动不已。Backstage, she was still excited.

他太激动了,一句话也说不出来。He is too excited to say a worde.