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我可以举报作弊者吗?Can i report cheaters somehow?

而且没有一所顶尖的大学会收作弊的学生。And no top university will admit cheaters.

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大土霸,而且其人民都是骗子。Big bully, and citizens made up of cheaters.

去年共有2645名作弊者被抓。In all, 2,645 cheaters were caught last year.

去年高考中一共捉住了2645个作弊考生。In all, 2, 645 cheaters were caught last year.

我一直坚信赢家不作弊,作弊无赢家。I believe winners don't cheat and cheaters don't win.

高尔提人生来就是骗子,他又一次证明了这一点。Golti people are bron cheaters and he proved that again.

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信息,自由的信息令一切舞弊者恐慌。Information, the information of freedom puts all cheaters in fear.

而教师们说,他们无论如何也没法追查所有的作弊者。And faculty members say they can't track down all the cheaters anymore.

治疗学家弗兰克?特曼认为,几乎所有的婚姻。Therapist Frank Pittman believes virtually all cheaters deeply regret straying.

当然裤袋里一定有一条很坚韧的线连到裤脚的暗袋。The pockets, of course, are attached by string or strong thread to the cheaters.

朴先生笑着说,然而有一些骗子却骗过系统的法眼,使用了多重身份。But some cheaters have beaten the system by using multiple identities, laughs Mr Park.

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现在,政府将推出网上婚姻记录,让恋人和配偶可以查询对方是否有骗婚行为。Now officials are putting marriage records online so lovers and spouses can check for cheaters.

你可以一直用“骗子永远不会赢”的陈词滥调,但是说多了会失效。You can always use the cliché "Cheaters never win, " but that loses meaning if you say it enough.

在瑞典足坛,门柱是立在地面上的,这也使门柱成为作弊者的主要目标。In Swedish football, goalposts rest on top of the playing field, making them prime targets for cheaters.

你可以去”信任“的是“骗子一定会骗人”、舞弊者一定会舞弊“、”施虐者一定会虐待“、”让人发疯的人一定会继续要你发疯“。You can trust liars to lie, cheaters to cheat, abusers to abuse, crazy makers to go on making you crazy.

一般作弊者都会有这样的伎俩,就是在赌局中临时给每张牌做上记号而认识牌。General cheaters will have such a trick, is at gambling temporarily to each card mark and knowledge cards.

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这是我们的骗子测试连接,如果您懂英语,请不要点击这个链接。This is our tests cheaters the connection, Please don't click on this Link, if you can understand English.

像这样行为的人就被称为“chexter”,也就是给自己另一半以外的人发送性短信的偷情者。They are called “chexters”, cheaters that send sexy messages to someone other than their significant other.

可验证的基础设施,它可以用于检测作弊经销商和受让人。A verifiable infrastructure is provided, which can be used to detect the cheaters from dealer and assignees.