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他干事很有用率。He gets things done efficiently.

这油能有效地起润滑作用。This oil lubricates efficiently.

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有效地使用选项和重写Using options and overrides efficiently

如何有效地抓住重点在pygame?How to efficiently hold a key in Pygame?

哪个市场是有效定价的What market might be efficiently priced?

那就意味着我要工作的更有效率。That means I have to work more efficiently.

合理、有效地综合利用你的时间。Use your time together wisely and efficiently.

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应用程序必须能够有效地扩展。The application must be able to scale efficiently.

我们的肾型矿脉依赖水来正常工作。The kidneys depend on water to operate efficiently.

协助部门厨师长有效地完成工作。Assist Chef de Partie to run his section efficiently.

因此,实际问题是怎样有效地利用援助。So really the question is how to use aid efficiently.

如何维护有效的传递闭包表?。How to maintain a transitive closure table efficiently?

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限额设计可以有效地控制工程造价。Design-limited can efficiently control cost of building.

这样,他们能到更有效率的签订投资协议条款清单。As a result they can get to term sheets more efficiently.

为了协同高效地工作,我们需要彼此相互的信任。Towork efficiently together, we need to trust each other.

这有助于它烧伤更有效率和减少浪费。Which helps it burn more efficiently and less wastefully.

宾馆侍者安静伶俐高效地来回忙碌着。The bellhops moved silently and instantly and efficiently.

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父母亲应合作无间,如同两个书档使书稳立不摇。Parents should work together as efficiently as two bookends.

你也可以建立例行公事来让自己工作更有效率。You can create routines that help you work more efficiently.

承台能有效减小土体及桩的水平位移。Pile cap can reduce lateral displacement of pile efficiently.