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未经审查的盗版碟在街头就能买到。Uncensored bootleg copies are peddled on the streets.

有些作家对网上未审查图书的影响力持怀疑态度。Some writers are skeptical that uncensored books on the Internet can have much of an effect.

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今年开始将中国用户自动跳转到未经审查的香港网站。Google this year began to automatically transfer Chinese users to an uncensored website in Hong Kong.

未经审查的书籍、杂志和报纸只能偷运进来,但我们如饥似渴地阅读它们。Uncensored books, magazines, and newspapers had to be smuggled in, but we devoured them when we could.

漫步齐普赛街头,可以买到未经审查的报纸,也可以随意走进街边的礼拜堂做祷告。Walking down Cheapside, you can buy an uncensored newspaper or stop to pray in a chapel of your choice.

他的第四部小说是关于法制的,其未删节版将以电子书形式发售。An uncensored version of Mr. Murong’s fourth novel, the one about the legal system, is sold as an e-book.

否则最早将在下周星期一关闭谷歌中国,使威胁顺利退离中国。Making good on its threat to retreat from China unless the government allowed it uncensored search results.

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很多分析人士认为,对于一个没有审查制度的搜索引擎,中国政府肯定会毫不手软地予以关闭。Many analysts believe the Chinese government would have no qualms shutting down an uncensored search engine.

而google.cn页面提供一个连接使使用者点击跳转到香港无需审查的搜索引擎。And that site provides a link that allows users to click through to Google's uncensored Hong Kong engine.

就像我朋友跟我去那种未经完全审核的酒吧旁若无人聊天就会说“我靠,钱嘛就怎样怎样”之类的话,以后一定会怎样怎样。As my buddies and I say in our totally uncensored bar conversations, you need "F-you" kind of money to justify that. In the future, sure.

它自动重定向中国用户到一个未审查的搜索站,,该站运行在其在香港的服务器。It has automatically redirected Chinese users to an uncensored search site,, maintained on the company’s servers in Hong Kong.

它通过设在没有审查制的国家内的中介服务器传递网页,使在防火墙背后的电脑使用者看到被封锁的内容。It enables users behind firewalls to see otherwise-blocked content by delivering Web pages through an intermediate server in an uncensored country.

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公民及民选代表懂得,民主制度有赖于人们能够最广泛地接触到未经审查的观念、观点和信息。Citizens and their elected representatives recognize that democracy depends upon the widest possible access to uncensored ideas, data, and opinions.

在三月,公司关闭了在中国的网络搜索服务,并开始引导用户使用以香港为基地的未被过滤的搜索引擎。In March, the company closed its Internet search service in China and began directing users in that country to its uncensored search engine in Hong Kong.

一些专家指出,北京本来可以早在一月就关闭谷歌,阻止中国用户连接到其未被过滤的网站。Some experts said that Beijing could have moved as early as January to shut down and prevent Chinese users from reaching Google’s uncensored Web site.

谷歌决定将中国用户的搜索请求自动转往不受审查的香港网站后,近日中国政府忙于作出回应。The Chinese government has struggled in recent days to respond to Google's decision to redirect Chinese users of its search function to its uncensored Hong Kong site.

大多网站上都有板面,用户可以不经审查随便发帖,匿名的评论,还有几乎所以的年轻人都有自己的博客,还可以通过手机更新信息。Most Web sites here have bulletin boards where users can post uncensored , anonymous comments, and nearly all young people run their own blogs, updating via cellphone.

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随后,这家公司宣布将不再对来自中国的搜索结果进行审查,并将中国用户的访问请求自动转移到未经审查的香港服务器上。The company announced that it would no longer censor its search results in China and would automatically route Chinese users to its uncensored Hong Kong-based service.

中国政府对这一战术显然很不满意,因为这样意味着中国用户依然被引向了一个提供未经审查的搜索结果的网页。It turns out that China's government was not amused by the tactic, since the Chinese users were still explicitly directed to a webpage providing uncensored search results.

这本书出版后,他将未经审查的手稿发布到了网上,这个版本甚至比他在网上一章一章写出来的都要完整。After the book was published, he posted an uncensored manuscript on the Internet, one that was even more complete than the chapter-by-chapter version he had written online.