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我们想了解一下现在你们是自行车出口吗?We want to know whether your bicycle are exportable now.

这一系统完全可以被用到其他国家。And the system is absolutely exportable to other countries.

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我们想了解一下你方现在可出口的自行车。We would like to have an idea of your bicycles exportable now.

任何一家拥有出口产品和服务的公司都应开拓新市场。Any business with an exportable product or service should be exploring new markets.

美国和埃及的巨大出口供应量将给全球长绒棉价格带来持久的压力。Large exportable surplus of U. S. and Egyptian cotton to remain a burden on world prices.

其6英寸的触摸屏可以抓取手写的笔记,而且可以输出和保存。The Touch's 6-inch screen can capture handwritten notes, which are exportable and saveable.

假设需要让系统中的大量其他类同样地可导出。Imagine that you need to make a number of other classes in your system similarly exportable.

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一个Jumpchart是可以共享的,可以导出齐整的css,自动生成自己的网站地图。A Jumpchart is shareable, exportable as clean CSS, and automatically generates its own sitemap.

该网络使用安全RF链路,通过出口加密保护联合作战行动。The network uses a secure RF link, protected through exportable encryption for joint and coalition operations.

为了探索奥尼罗非鱼池塘当年养成达出口规格的模式,进行池塘养殖当年繁殖的奥尼罗非鱼苗种达出口规格的试验。Experiment of raising techniques for the exportable size of the fry in Blue-Nile Tilapia within one year was conducted in pond.

有些国家没有可供出口的商品或制成品,但他们有温暖和煦的气候。Some nations prosses little in the way of exportable commodities or manufactured goods, but they have a mild and sunny climate.

但自信不能构成一种意识形态,自吹自擂的亚洲模式似乎也没能形成一种能被模仿的成品。But self-confidence is not an ideology, and the much-touted Asian model of development does not seem to be an exportable product.

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运输小泡能够将可运输分子从内质网运输到高尔基复合体上。Transport vesicles may carry exportable molecules from the endoplasmic reticulum to another membranous organelle, the Golgi complex.

运输液泡能够将可输出分子从内质网运送到其他的膜细胞器上-高尔基复合体。Transport vesicles may carry exportable molecules from the endoplasmic reticulum to another membranous organelle, the Golgi complex.

CMPS的设计目的是为军用战术轮式车辆提供车载的和可输出电源,用于关键的作战需求。CMPS has been designed to provide military tactical wheeled vehicles with o-board and exportable power, addressing a critical warfighter need.

这两个国家都拥有大量可出口谷物剩余,但需要更长期的投资,以确保供给反应的可持续性。Both countries have significant exportable cereal surpluses, but more long-term investment is needed to ensure that this supply response is sustainable.

调查了江苏沿江地区出口的羽绒制品仓库,查获的仓储甲虫有30多种,涉及到16个科。The storage pests in exportable down_filled clothing products in the riverside area of Jiangsu are investigated. More than 30 insect species belong to 16 families are found.

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这些肥料的使用在印度农业生产中都扮演了非常重要的角色,起到了极大的作用,直接影响印度农业的丰收与否,不仅满足粮食的需求总量,而且还创建一个出口顺差。These have played a significant role in India's agricultural success story, by not only fulfilling the total food grains requirements, but also creating an exportable surplus.