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你必须连根掘起。You have to grub up the roots.

你将迎接由蛴螬的画面。You will be greeted by the GRUB screen.

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阿贝和贝比将从格雷格那儿抓幼虫。Abe and Babe will grab a grub from Greg.

阿贝和贝比将从格雷格那儿抓幼虫吗?Will Abe and Babe grab a grub from Greg?

我想我能猜出来原因,但我没说,继续吃我的饭。I can figure it out, but I stay with the grub.

“饮食不错,你可以自己有间屋,”乔说。"Good grub an' a room to yourself, " Joe said.

这位农夫花了数周时间清除他田地里的树桩子。It took the farmer weeks to grub the stumps on his land.

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有一种钻心虫,钻进一条去,花就死了。There's a grub that kills them by boring into the flower.

科利尔和我就这样又谨慎又活跃地同那个饭摊泡上了。Collier and I infested the grub tent with care and activity.

六点钟,马都备了鞍,装粮食的大车也安排就绪。By six o'clock the horses were all saddled, the grub wagon ready.

在我们回答这个问题以前,你需要阅读我的GRUB的教程。Before we can answer that question, you need to read my GRUB tutorial.

安装结束之后,我在grub菜单中选择Xubuntu。After it installed, I rebooted and selected Xubuntu from the grub menu.

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源自格拉布街,伦敦米尔顿街的原称,一些作家们在此居住。After Grub Street , London, former name of Milton Street, where such writers lived.

汉宫的中国饭不地道?妳听谁说的啊?我觉得还是不错的啊,当然不能算是第一流的嘛。But another friend said that the grub at China Garden was much better than he thought.

一旦你了解了GRUB如何工作的,你就可以思考这里提出的问题。Once you understand how GRUB works, you'll be able to ponder the question raised here.

同样人们容易把煮熟的食物放回盛有生肉的盘子。It's also tempting to place the cooked grub back onto the plate that held your raw meat.

为了迎接进入科罗威国的首批游客,当地人为他们准备了Sago棕榈叶幼虫盛宴。A sago grub feast arranged for one of the first groups of tourists to enter Korowai country.

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很多人都认为对身体有益的食物自然然的带走了所有有关吃的乐趣。So many people think grub that\'s good for you automatically takes all the fun out of eating.

就这样,你也经过了从大地里的笨拙的蛆虫到空气里轻盈振翅的蝴蝶的回转。Thus, also, you pass from the lumpish grub in the earth to the airy and fluttering butterfly.

GRUB可以从网络上下载操作系统镜像,因此可以支持无盘系统。GRUB can download operating system images from a network, and thus can support diskless systems.