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她苦苦思念在国外的丈夫。She is languishing for her hushand abroad.

一蹶不振的迈凯轮仅以42分排在第三名。McLaren are languishing in third with 42 points.

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你寻求过老百姓的和平而忧伤的韵语吗?Did you seek the civilian's peaceful and languishing rhymes?

玛丽还要苦苦思念她的黄头发男朋友多久?How long will Mary go on languishing for her yellow-haired boy?

不要把时间和精力浪费和熬煎在期盼上。Don't waste your time and energy languishing in a state of need.

大约2100名政治犯还在缅甸监狱里受折磨。Some 2, 100 political prisoners are still languishing in Burmese jails.

然而,此项建议却不被行政管理与预算局所重视。Its proposal has been languishing at the Office of Management and Budget.

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但是,在上述那个国家有医生因为实施安乐死而在监狱里服刑呢?Which of these countries has a mercy-killing doctor now languishing in its jails?

说的是球队没有方向是缺少组织核心吧…So many NBA teams are rudderless , languishing through season after season with no direction.

但是,坎昆会议召开的时机正值全球经济和国际贸易都趋向疲软。But the meetings occur at a time when the global economy and international trade are languishing.

安东尼•艾登垫底,他发动了灾难性的苏伊士入侵。Languishing at the bottom was Sir Anthony Eden, who led Britain into the disastrous Suez invasion.

这个暑期项目帮助儿童远离那种一直在家坐在电视机前看电视或在街道的拐角处受冷落的状况。The summer programs help keep kids from being stuck at home in front of a TV or languishing on a street corner.

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程致宇认为,将资金用于改善中国糟糕的货运物流网络将会是更好的选择。Improving China's languishing logistics network for freight would be a better use of the cash, Mr Chovanec posits.

墓地在山坡上,毫无生气的位于一家化工厂下面,杂草丛生,满是断裂的墓碑。The graveyard was on a hillside, languishing beneath a chemical works, overgrown and crowded with cracked gravestones.

外星人也许早已与我们联络过,但他们的信息正被搁置在硬盘上等待破译。Aliens may already have tried to contact us-but their message could be languishing on a hard disk, waiting to be decoded.

爱不能被包容,本来饱满充盈的思欲被扯得支离破碎。我的日子遍布猩红、哀愁和思念。Love cannot be contained, the neat packaging of desire splits asunder, spilling crimson through my days, long, languishing.

日本消费者已经接受了普瑞斯,不只是整个市场的需求旺盛,而且得益于政府的补贴政策。Japanese consumers have taken to the Prius, despite a languishing auto market overall, thanks to government-backed subsidies.

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本场比赛,高雷雷依旧出现在中场的位置,但是由于和队友配合不多,他多少显得有些形单影只。This game, Gao Leilei still appear in the midfield position, but with teammates and the small number of his languishing a bit.

100年后,黑人依然在美国社会中间向隅而泣,依然感想本身在疆域故里中落难流落。One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.

一百年后的今天,萨满仍然萎缩在艾则拉斯,外域的角落里,并且意识到自己是故土家园中的流亡者。One hundred years later, the Shaman is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.