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当我们给世界带来新秩序。When we bring to the world dis -order.

他会来带我这老黑奴回家的。He'll come tek dis ole nigger home agin.

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第四章讨论中国存款保险制度的保险费率问题。The Chapter 3 studies the coverage of DIS.

茱萸是一种草,它细细长长的,又是绿油油的。Dogwood dis a grass, it be long, it is green.

珍贵的蜂鸟求爱的录像。Video reveals rare hummingbird courtship dis.

你知道我们今天应该讨论这个问题。You know that we ought to dis cuss it to day.

苦艾茶是身体排毒不错的选择。Wormwood dis a good way to detoxify your body.

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总体上,实现了DIS系统各个方面的功能要求。As a whole, it carries out every function of DIS.

爱宝乐园是一个位于在汉城郊外的主题公园。Everland dis a Theme parks in the outskirts of Seoul.

仿真时钟的推进是分布交互式仿真系统的关键技术。Simulation clock pushing is the key technique in DIS.

舒张期心力衰竭—是真正独立的疾病吗?Diastolic Heart Failure-Is It Really a Dis tinct Entity?

对混凝土梁与板的计算分界进行一些相关的探讨。The computing boundary of concrete beam and board is dis.

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第一部分是存款保险制度相关理论的概述。The first part is the summary of correlative theories on DIS.

丘斯特采取容易想,有一个'德家解散冬天留轮。Chust to take it easy like, an' stay round de house dis winter.

这些的当中是黄泉城市的城垛和防御。One of these is the battlements and defenses of the city of Dis.

但无论如何,肥厚性梗阻型仍具有足够的独立性。However, the hypertrophic obstructive type is. sufficiently dis. rete.

合理的资金投入安排对于存款保险制度的有效性来讲至关重要。Sound funding arrangements are critical to the effectiveness of a DIS.

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还讨论了当地风—浪经验公式的适用程度。The applicability of some local wind-wave empirical expressions is dis cussed too.

我们怎么才能找回阿波罗和阿提斯、得墨忒尔、珀尔塞福涅和冥府大殿呢?How are we to get back Apollo and Attis, Demeter, Persephone, and the halls of Dis?

论文的第一部分介绍了存款保险制度的基础理论、发展历史和作用。The first part of article introduced the theories basis, the history and the effect of DIS.