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我会要求孩子们遵守规则。I have disciplined my children.

他们纪律严明地一齐射击。They fired in disciplined volleys.

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不容易,如果你没有自律意识。Not easy if you ' re not disciplined.

但是这仅仅只是因为他很有纪律性吗?But is that just because he’s disciplined?

在911之后一切就更加谨慎了。But that became even more disciplined after 911.

孩子要管不要惯。Children should be disciplined and not indulged.

我的前辈安德鲁·卡尔德更守纪律。my predecessor Andrew Card was much disciplined.

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在交易中你做到了严守纪律吗?Are you disciplined enough to succeed in trading?

但到了白宫,我要更加自律。At the White House, I had to become more disciplined.

老师因学生行为不端而予以处罚。The teacher disciplined his student for bad behaviour.

她有条不紊,一定受过良好的训练。She must have been well disciplined for her orderliness.

所以,你必须要有耐心、阵形不能乱。So you have to be patient and you have to be disciplined.

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安东尼·特罗洛普是一位勤奋而训练有素的作家。Anthony Trollope was an industrious and disciplined writer.

它还需要有现成的制度和训练有素的劳动队伍。It also needs systems in place and a disciplined workforce.

这支足球队受过专业教练员的训练。The football team was disciplined by a professional trainer.

他因为和教师顶嘴受到了处分。He was disciplined at school for talking back to the teacher.

守纪律的人倾向于排队等候正宗菜肴。The disciplined mem are inclined to line up for genuine menu.

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不守纪律的国家无法与守纪律的国家相比。An in disciplined country cannot be compared to disciplined one.

如果工人有不端行为或恶劣的表现会受到什麽处分?。How are employees disciplined for misconduct or poor performance?

他们有人力,有人才,他们的纪律性很强。They have people, brains and they can beimpressively disciplined.