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这使他成为典型的战后婴儿潮。That makes him the archetypal post-war boomer.

那些表达此原型性质的人是好战分子。Those expressing this archetypal nature are warmongers.

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第三章讨论诗中的原型意象。Chapter Three discusses the important archetypal images in her poetry.

这是我们将在这一章进行广泛探讨的原型性质。These are the archetypal natures we are examining extensively in this chapter.

蒂姆认为很多类型的故事都是有其典型性的,即便是两个相似的故事。Tim’s right that many types of stories—even twin stories—are kind of archetypal.

害羞或矜持的人在社交事务中是典型的“冒险回避者”。People who are shy or reserved are archetypal “risk avoiders” in social settings.

科学家们将它看作是自适应反馈的典型案例。The scientists understood it for the archetypal case of adaptive feedback it was.

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这些原始型的可怕动物是唯一一种以吸血为生的哺乳动物。These archetypal eerie animals are the only mammals that subsist solely on blood.

这类人往往是非常有天赋的透视者。Those of this archetypal nature of "Visionary" tend to be very gifted clairvoyants.

那些这一原型性质者可能与任何种类的麻药有关,不管合法非法。Those of this archetypal nature may be involved in drugs of any kind, legal or illegal.

廖廖数笔就创造了一个经典形象,即一个傻瓜蛋老板,他喜欢把自己的头一直伸在绞索里。In a stroke the archetypal boss, demanding always to be kept in the loop, is made a fool.

这些原型用户的特征是从调查结果中整理出来的。These are archetypal users whose characteristics are distilled from our primary research.

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除了文化文类学之外,原型批评理论还有属于文学之外的另一个来源。Archetypal criticism had a second extra-literary source in addition to cultural anthropology.

这类原型模式者会是一个很成功的商人。The human emulating this archetypal patterning will be quite the accomplished businessperson.

神话赋予一个巧妙的发明数代达罗斯,谁就是典型的工匠。Mythology ascribes a number of clever inventions to Daedalus, who is the archetypal craftsman.

意象原型包括对“蛇”,“森林”和黑白颜色对照这三方面的分析阐释。Archetypal images introduce the images of serpent, forest and the antithesis of white and black.

许多宗教都有弥赛亚这个概念,例如基督教,犹太教和伊斯兰教。Many religions share this archetypal concept of Messiah, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

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在华为工作的李先生,就是典型海龟中的一员,他的妻儿仍在美国居住。The wife and children of Huawei's Mr Li, the seemingly archetypal sea turtle, still live in America.

弗莱的原型批评理论是一个以神话原型为基础的循环运动体系。Northrop Frye's theory of archetypal criticism is a cyclical system in motion based on myth archetypes.

那些塞纳特斯原型图者,倾向于从健康角度关注自己的外貌。Those of Thanatos archetypal nature tend to be preoccupied with their appearance from a health standpoint.