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他能够胜任任何需要心灵手巧的工作。He can do any sort of work requiring handiness and dexterity.

她弹奏钢琴如此娴熟,给我留下了深刻印象。I was greatly impressed by the handiness with which she played the piano.

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整机设计精致,结构紧凑,操作方便简洁。Precise design of complete machine, compact conformation, handiness and simplicity.

实验证实,本文研究的控制算法既能提高系统的安全性同时也能满足转向的轻便性。The safety and handiness are improved by the control algorithm according to the experiments.

随着轻薄的液晶电视在之诞生,科技使生活更添美丽的色彩及轻便。With the inventing and developing for LCD TV, technology bring colors and handiness to our life.

工作噪音低、外形美观、机构轻巧牢固、移动灵活,使用和维护方便。Low noises, elegant appearance, handiness and substance, as well as easy to utilization and maintenance.

由于大地电磁测深法勘探的轻便和有效,其作为深层构造研究的重要手段越来越受到重视。For its effect and handiness magnetotelluric sounding is regarded as an important means to study deep structure.

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相对于传统方法,它具有吸收率高、使用方便、不污染环境等优点。Compared with traditional methods, it has the merits of high absorptivity, handiness and no environment pollution.

我们生产的软管和接头很方便安装,对于任何没有操作经验的人来说都能很简单地操作。Because no handiness is required for mounting hoses and connection parts we produce, it is quite easy for anyone without experience.

随着汽车的高速发展,对汽车操纵的轻便性及灵活性要求越来越高。With the development of high speed in automobile, the requirement of handiness and flexibility on manipulation is increasingly high.

动力转向系统具有转向操纵灵活、轻便、并可吸收路面对前轮产生的冲击等优点。The power steering system has the advantages such as the steering sensitivity, handiness and absorbability of the impulse from the road.

同时该调焦机构具有运行平稳、轻便、和可靠性高等特点,并且具备较好的抗振、抗冲击的能力。The focusing mechanism was running handiness in high dependability, also having preferable the ability for anti-vibrancy and anti-impingement.

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试验结果表明,翻转机构的轻便性大大改善,为翻转机构改进设计提供了一种有效方法。The test results show that the handiness of the tilt cab is greatly improved. This provides an effective means for the design of cab tilting mechanism.

由于操作轻便迪尼玛吊索可更容易地安装在重型被吊物件的理想位置从而进一步提高了起吊的安全性。Dyneema slings could be easily installed at an ideal position on the hoisted cargo its handiness and lightness and further improve the safety of hoisting.

随着发动机前置前轮驱动型轿车日益增多,因汽车前轴负荷的增加使得转向轻便性成为人们普遍关注的问题。As the number of FF car is increased and there is more loading on the front suspension, people widely pay more attention to the steering handiness of automobile.

在江、河、湖堤防及水库坝体隐患的勘查中,物探方法以其轻便、快捷的特点被广泛使用。Due to the characteristics of handiness and shortcut, geophysical prospecting methods are used widely in hidden trouble exploration of river, lake dikes and reservoir dams.

其次谈及了创意在广告中的作用以及广告英语词汇与创意的巧妙结合带来的好处。The handiness which speaks about a creativity English vocabulary and creativity at the function and the advertisement within advertisement secondly combines to bring of advantage.

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旋流分离方法以其操作简单、运行安全、成本合理、不会产生新的污染等独特的优越性在船舶压载水的处理中具有光明的应用前景。Hydrocyclone has a good prospect in the treatment of ballast water due to its unique advantages such as handiness and safety in operation, cost effective and no pollution associated.

奥运会的会徽“中国印·舞动的北京”将中国特色。北京特点和奥林匹克运动元素巧妙结合。The meeting badge" China prints Peking that dance of · move" of the Olympic game Chinese special features. The characteristics of PekingOlympics exercise the chemical element handiness combine.

该洗井车具有能单独完成井场洗井功课的成果,同时还具有洗井强度大、水处理结果好、高效、轻便、适应环境强等特性。The truck can complete the well site flushing operation itself, and has the advantages of big flushing fluid capacity, good water treatment, and high efficiency, handiness and good acclimation.