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是理查德·马登上尉。It was Captain Richard Madden.

是理查德·马登的声音。It was that of Captain Richard Madden.

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史蒂夫Madden和迪奥之后。Steve Madden and Christian Dior followed.

鲍伯-道蒂来给我们讲述有关著名播音员约翰-梅登的故事。Bob Doughty tells us more about popular broadcaster John Madden.

耐克及鞋品牌史蒂夫.麦登也正计划提价。Penney Co. , Nike and designer shoe seller Steve Madden also plan increases.

了解如何转变'08马登在这个自由的游戏视频的防守线球员。Learn how to shift the defensive linemen in Madden '08 in this free gaming video.

2006年约翰-梅登被收录进专业足球名人馆。John Madden was named to the Professional Football Hall of Fame in two thousand six.

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2008年最劲爆最流行的Q版回合制游戏即将古墓丽影!Madden 2008 the most the most popular Q version of turn-based games upcoming Raider!

了解有关设置在这个自由的游戏视频专家的意见呛声劲爆08。Learn about setting audibles with expert advice on madden 08 in this free gaming video.

今天沸点网络电视爆料的劲爆到让人不能接受的地步。Today, television networks bidboiling point of the Madden people to unacceptable levels.

上个月,约翰-梅登宣布从国家足球联播音员的位置上退下来。Last month, John Madden announced his retirement as a National Football League broadcaster.

梅登说,由于他热爱有关足球的一切,所以做出退休的决定是艰难的。Madden says his decision to retire was difficult because he loves everything about football.

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四围与专家建议稿劲爆08幻想6了解在这个自由的游戏视频。Learn about round 6 with expert advice on madden 08 fantasy drafts in this free gaming video.

四围与专家建议稿劲爆08幻想7了解在这个自由的游戏视频。Learn about round 7 with expert advice on madden 08 fantasy drafts in this free gaming video.

有一阵子我想理查德·马登用某种办法已经了解到我铤而走险的计划。For a moment I thought that Richard Madden might in some way have divined my desperate intent.

有一阵子我想理查德•马登用某种办法已经了解到我铤而走险的计划。For a moment I thought that Richard Madden might in some way have divined my desperate intent.

麦登橄榄球以及之后的续作成为史上最为成功的商业电子运动游戏。Madden and its sequels became the most commercially successful sports videogame ever produced.

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关于防御X与专家的意见劲爆08按钮呛声了解在这个自由的游戏视频。Learn about defensive x button audibles with expert advice on madden 08 in this free gaming video.

关于防御与专家的意见劲爆08左保险杠呛声了解在这个自由的游戏视频。Learn about defensive left bumper audibles with expert advice on madden 08 in this free gaming video.

关于防御与专家意见的权利劲爆08保险杠呛声了解在这个自由的游戏视频。Learn about defensive right bumper audibles with expert advice on madden 08 in this free gaming video.