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她的仔细认真成为对我的鞭策。Her carefulness rebukes me.

她的仔细给我留下了深刻印象。I was impressed by her carefulness.

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我愿你们无所挂虑。But I would have you without carefulness.

他劲头十足,但不够仔细。He is full in vigour, but fails in carefulness.

她的仔细认真使她适于做校对工作。Her carefulness capacitates her for proofreading.

那个护士由于她的热心和细心而闻名。That nurse is famous for her kindness and carefulness.

他的细心保证了他不犯更多的错误。Hiss carefulness secured him from making more mistakes.

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细心和谨慎可以帮助你避免很多问题。Carefulness and caution can help you avoid many problems.

因此,认真、仔细是很重要的一点。Therefor, conscientiousness and carefulness is a key point.

仔细的重要性再怎么强调都不为过。The importance of carefulness cannot be emphasized too much.

注重实际的处事谨慎与顾虑重重之间的界限是不容易划分的。It is not easy to draw the line between realistic carefulness and anxiety.

这个男孩因为功课做得认真而受到老师的称赞。The boy is appreciated by his teacher for his carefulness in his homework.

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目的培养ICU护士的慎独精神,提高护理质量。Objective To train ICU nurses' carefulness trait and improve the quality of nursing.

本项研究的规模和细致程度,增加了肥胖和癌症关系的可信度。The sheer size and carefulness of the study add credibility to the obesity-cancer link.

他带着一种几乎是超自然的谨慎,旋转门把柄,随着低微的嘎吱声,门开了一条缝。With an almost occult carefulness he turned the door handle, and opened the door an inch.

在艾黎身边工作,感受最深的是他为人谦虚,作风细致,生活朴素。Working beside Rewi Alley, I was deeply impressed by his modesty, carefulness and frugality.

他们为了生存,被迫小心地在一条道路上向南迁移,是一次有圣经意味的旅程。Their survival, moving with obsessive carefulness southward on a road, is a journey with Biblical undertones.

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耐心,责任心和细心被普遍认为是不管工作是什么需要的素质。Patience, responsibility and carefulness are widely believed as the qualities required no matter what the job is.

女人需要忽略细节而重视整体发展的男人,男人的心一定要宽广,才能容下女人的细腻和任性.。Woman needs man to ignore trifle but focus on big things. He must be very open-mined to content her weakness and carefulness.

儿童中心论下的教育在追求教育民主的同时,降低了教育的严谨和效率。The education of Child-Center theory is pursuing the education democracy, while it is lowering carefulness and efficiency of education.