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把土豆大致切一下,煮成半熟。Roughly chop and parboil the potatoes.

西芹及甘笋放入沸水中略煮,沥乾。Parboil celery and carrot in boiling water. Drain.

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鸭脷洗净,放入滚水中煮5分钟,取出洗净。Wash and parboil duck tongues in boiling water for 5 minutes. Rinse and drain well.

任何的蔬菜你都可以用微波炉来预煮或是蒸熟,它有相同或是更好的效果,事实上,它的速度更快。For any vegetable you would parboil or steam, the microwave works as well or better, and is faster.

把竹笋切成大小相近的小块,以热水略煮,沥去多馀水份。Cut the bamboo shoots into small cutlets of similar size. Parboil them and drain off the moisture on them.

把鸡剐好,洗干净,去内脏、头、脚、颈和尾,出水约5分钟,盛起。Rinse chicken and discard internal organs, head, feet, neck and bottom part. Parboil for 5 minutes. Dish up.

猪脚洗净,用热水汆水10分钟及洗清血污及肥油,沥乾备用。Clean and parboil pig's knuckle in boiling water for 10 minutes to clear the blood and fat, drain and set aside.

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银耳撕成小朵,放入滚水中煮10分钟,捞起用冷开水浸冷,取起抹干水。Tear snow fungus into small pieces.Parboil in boiling water for 10 minutes.Rinse with cold boiled water. Drain well.

在烤牛肉的同时,把土豆放到加盐的水里煮10分钟,使土豆煮到半熟,沥干水份。While the beef is roasting parboil your potatoes in salted boiling water for around 10 minutes and drain in a colander.

在烤牛肉的同时,把肆豆放到加盐的水里煮10分钟,使土豆煮到半熟,沥干水份。While the beef is roasting parboil your potatoes in salted boiling water for around 10 minutes and drain in a colander.

菠菜切小段,烫熟,取出挤乾水份,然后加进碎肉拌匀,成为馅料。Cut spinach into small sections, parboil until cooked, squeeze to drain, then add into the minced pork, stir up to form stuffing.

五花腩放入大半锅水内,连同姜、�及绍酒煮滚,改用中火煮50至60分钟至熟,取出,待冻。Parboil pork belly in boiling water with ginger, spring onion and Shaoshing wine, then over medium heat for 50 to 60 minutes until cooked, remove to cool.