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斯帝阿姿--源自对艺术的领悟…Steel-arts--- Coming from the apperception of art.

“禅典”是他在佛禅世界中的领悟。"The story about the Zen " is his apperception in the Zen field.

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每个人都必需在真理和安逸之间做出抉择。我们不能兼而得之。Every apperception have to make its best amid accuracy and calm. It cannot have both.

他的作品同时具有对传统的回应与对现代的感知。His works is the response to the tradition as welt as the apperception to the modernity.

其中“领悟式”的批评方法,对于后世诗话具有垂范作用。The criticism way of" apperception type" was helpful to the poetic criticism of aftertime.

因此,实时图像感知在移动机器人导航技术中具有重要的作用。So the real-time image apperception is a crucial role in mobile robot navigation technique.

该系统具有可扩展性,能有效进行宏观网络的数据挖掘和实时势态感知。The framework was scalable to conduct cyberspace data mining and situational apperception effectively.

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并不想去游行这位母亲边说话边下了车,让我帮她看一下孩子,去买点东西吃。We just don't wish to go said the mother, abrogation us to apperception her babyish while she went to buy some food.

主题统觉测验,儿童统觉测验,老人统觉技术的临床应用。The Thematic Apperception Test, The Children's Apperception Test, and The Senior Apperception Technique in Clinical Use.

分布式结构、认知能力和知识的共享是DIDAPPER系统的重要特点。The distributed architecture the apperception ability and the sharing of knowledge are evident characteristics of the DIDAPPER.

儿童漆全部用清水调制,从根源上切断了苯类化学溶剂对儿童的毒害。Children lacquer uses clear water modulation entirely, cut off benzene apperception to learn the solvent harm to children from germ.

于是,他将由内感官、想象力和统觉这三项构成的条件总体和可能经验等同起来了。Firstly, He points out clearly that Kant's "the third thing" is sum total which is composed of inner sense, imagination and apperception.

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茶皂素是一种纯天然非离子型表面活性剂,在工农业生产中有广泛的应用。Tea saponin is a kind of natural surface active agent and there is a great deal of apperception in the fields of industry and agriculture.

毕竟这只是一位智者对具有中国特色的法治实践的一种领悟,一种不具备法学逻辑却又灵光不时闪现的领悟。After all, it is only an apperception of a sage on law practice with Chinese characteristics, an apperception of no law logic but inspiration.

理论基础因为人对于造型的感知,现实条件是商业的介入,这两方面都要求更加令人印象深刻的人物造型产生。More impressive figure is required by two facets, one is the human-being's apperception to figure, and the other one is the intervention of commerce.

小说设下了太多的谜团,是张爱玲从女性视角的曲折演绎,而电影是李安从男性视角对小说的再次解读。As there is too much enigma in this novel set by Eileen Zhang from the feminine perspective, Ang Lee tries to gain his apperception from the masculine point of view.

美感心理四因素感知、想象、情感和理解在谚语翻译中的应用则是第五章的重点。Four aesthetics' psychological factors, sensibility, imagination, emotion and apperception and their application in proverb translation are the focus in the fifth chapter.

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通过对统觉的联结、综合、建立对象等功能的规定,使其成为对知识起主动构建作用的自建主体。Through regulating the functions of appercepertive joining, uniting and establishing targets, apperception becomes a self-established main body, which constructs knowledge.

结论精神分裂症患者存在对自身及环境的整体感知觉障碍,逻辑推理和判断的错误及冷漠的情感时,可能与产生凶杀相关。Conclusion The schizophrenia patients with wrong apperception to oneself and environment, the wrong consequence and judgment, and the cool emotion may be related with homicide.

在20多年的时间里,她积累着对于艺术的自信和对生活的敏锐感悟,用自己独特的表达方式默默地画着自己想要的画。During the past 20 years, she enhanced her confidence in arts and her keen apperception of life. She paints images of her own, silently developing an unique artistic expression.