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没人知道艾斯克这个人。No body knows of a man named Essex.

埃塞克斯桥上,她扯开嗓子On Essex Bridge she strained her throat

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艾塞克斯已经感到他的整个计划要垮台了。Essex already felt the collapse of his whole scheme.

路上的其他车辆,也被当成了移动的房屋。It's not just Haze's Essex that is imagined as home.

雾在艾瑟克斯沼地上,雾在肯特高地上。Fog on the Essex Marshes, fog on the Kentish heights.

弥漫于艾塞克斯沼泽地及肯特州高地上。Fog on the Essex marshes, fog on the Kentish heights.

雾笼罩着厄色克斯郡的沼泽,雾笼罩着肯德郡的高地。Fog on the Essex marshes, fog on the Kentish heights.

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你还记得艾塞克斯号的船长波拉德吗?You remember the story of the Essex and Captain Pollard?

克劳奇是肯特郡的一个小村庄以及艾塞克斯里一条河的名字。A small village in Kent and the name of a river in Essex.

迪拜环球港务集团在英国也拥有一些港口,如位于埃塞克斯的蒂尔布利港。DP World also owns ports in Britain such as Tilbury in Essex.

埃塞克斯号CV-9航空母舰维吉尼亚的汉普敦锚地外。Essex CV-9 seen off Hampton Roads, Virginia probably during her trials.

所以不仅是Haze的。Essex So other cars on the road looked like houses, mobile houses, as well.

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1900年左右,艾塞克斯猪被发现于美国东南部,但是关于这种猪的来历仍不很清除。Essex hogs were found in the Southeast around 1900, though the breed's history is obscure.

埃塞克斯警方说他们无法确认当时家庭联络官说过这些。Essex police said they are not able to verify whether the family liaison officer said this.

另外的三艘军舰,托尔图加号,艾塞克斯号和日耳曼城号也前往日本展开救援行动。Three more ships, the USS Tortuga, USS Essex and USS Germantown are also en route to Japan.

所以美国第44任总统将乘坐空军一号在埃塞克斯着陆。So the 44th President of the US will descend into Essex aboard US presidential jet Air Force One.

他曾是英格兰安东尼.伊万大法官在中殿律师公会第四埃撒克斯法庭的学生。He was a former pupil of Lord Justice Anthony Evans at then 4 Essex Court, Middle Temple, England.

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当时,我与大儿子一起从板球比赛归来,这场12岁以下年龄组比赛由萨里县对阵埃塞克斯县。My oldest son and I were returning from an under-12 county cricket match between Surrey and Essex.

埃克塞斯信托机构的癌症专家说他们从来没有见过这么多癌症手术被取消。A cancer specialist at an Essex trust said they had never seen so many cancer operations cancelled.

这组我的木制的1812年“埃塞克斯”号顶楼的照片被放到室外,是一个阴天。This group of photos of my wooden ship top of the Essex of 1812 were taken outside on a cloudy day.