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你穿这套新衣看起来真帅。You look spiffy in your new outfit.

最妙不过的事是马上睡觉去。The spiffy thing is to hit the sack at once.

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空军一号是一个漂亮乘坐,奥巴马说。Air Force One is one spiffy ride, Obama says.

是的,特别是由像你这样穿着时髦的人来说。Not when it comes from a man dressed as spiffy as you.

你想和我一起去塔希提岛吗?“那可真不赖。"Do you want to come to tahiti with me?"That would be spiffy. "

现在,新球场是漂亮的蓝色,带露天看台和玻璃篮板。Now, it's a spiffy blue court with bleachers and glass backboards.

你可以用黑白报纸制作自己漂亮的花盆。You can make your own spiffy pots out of black-and-white newspaper.

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骄傲的宇航员认为这�根本就没有智慧生物,让我们来证明他们是错误的吧!Beam me up. There's no intelligent life down here, said the Spacemen in their spiffy suits.

当你第一次套上为自己的智能手机买的套子时,它看起来相当好看。That case you bought for your smartphone looked pretty spiffy when you first slipped it on.

也许你把目标嵌入到更新更整洁的应用程序上只是为了把它淹没在其他的屏幕里。Maybe you typed it into that spiffy new productivity app only to have it buried in other screens.

万维网的出现给最现实的应用程序一个漂亮的图形用户接口。The emergence of the World Wide Web has given even the most mundane of applications a spiffy GUI.

简洁的修身版型,干净利落的前胸印字,加上现今流行的窄门筒设计,给人以斯文的时髦感觉。Brief figuring style, neat and spiffy prints in front, and fashionable narrow design show your modish feelings.

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省去繁复的线条,强调剪裁的利落和细节的华丽,坚持感性的设计和理性的态度。Eliminating the complex line, emphasizing the spiffy cutting and the ornate detail. keeping emotional design and rational attitude.

这样就可以很轻易的比较两者,而且当发现新代码有缺陷的时候可以立刻回到旧版本上。This allows easy and honest comparison between them, and makes it trivial to go back to the old reliable path when the spiffy new one starts showing flaws.

假装你们第一次约会---把车洗干净,穿戴整齐,手捧鲜花站在门口,重现你们第一次时的场景Pretend you’re going on a first date —show up at the door with flowers, all dressed up, with your car washed and cleaned, looking spiffy. Recreate the first time.

第一个新年球是一个700磅重的铁木球,还会发出沉闷的金属声,同时上面装饰了100个25瓦的电灯泡。而到了1920年,一个400磅的,漂亮的新球替换掉了最原先的那个球。The first ball was a clunky 700-pound, iron-and-wood number and was adorned with just 100 25-watt light bulbs. In 1920, a spiffy new 400-pound ball replaced the original.

行驶在中国东南沿海城市的刘先生所开的白色宝马车可能是真的,但他手中的精美小巧的黑色手机却是真真正正的赝品。The white BMW Mr. Liu drives around this humid coastal city in southern China may be real, but the spiffy little black smart phone he carries with him is definitely fake.

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都不,洗澡就是洗澡,它就是为了清洁,或者是为了去除那些一整天积累的污垢,或者是确保你新的一天干净整洁。Neither. A shower is a shower. It's just getting scrubbed up, either to get rid of the grime you've accumulated during the day, or to make sure you're fresh and spiffy for the new day.