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恩典或业报?Grace or Karma?

也许这就是因果报应。Maybe it was karma.

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这只是因果报应。It’s just bad karma.

这个图案是轮回的意思。This one means karma.

因缘果位神马的只是神话。Karma Bhumi is a myth.

行为叫作“业”,是你的源动力。Action is called karma.

是缘分还是命定?Is it karma or destiny?

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羯磨在一盛大等级。Karma on a grand scale.

这就是业报的法则。That is the law of karma.

佛教徒称之为因果报应。The Buddhists call this Karma.

但是这些都符合轮回。but that can all fit into karma.

在敬拜火中燃烧业力。Worshipping the fire burns Karma.

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贾斯汀,你觉得什么是恶报呢?Justin, what do you think karma is?

是的,它导致有害身心的业力。Yes, it leads to unwholesome karma.

是祖先之间的业力吗?Is the karma between the ancestries?

再一次出生当然是业力的一部分。Re-birth is of course part of karma.

我与如我邪业诸有情。Bless me and that evil karma like me.

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他们成了你的卡尔玛的代理人。They become the agents of your karma.

有人称之为"上帝",其他人称之为"因果报应"。What some call God, others call Karma.

这为羯磨设定了某些条件。This sets up certain conditions of karma.