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我在南海大学上学。I attend Nanhai University.

南海涟波潭边杏,樱花尽朱落无音。Nanhai apricot blossoms enough ripple, do not fall.

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佛山市南海合艺装饰材料有限公司!Foshan City Nanhai Heyi Decorating Material Co. , Ltd.

海军下辖北海、东海、南海三个舰队和海军航空兵部。Nanhai fleets, as well as the Naval Aviation Department.

汉朝香港隶属南海郡博罗县。The han dynasty Hong Kong membership nanhai county BoLuoXian.

詹天佑1861年出生在广东省南海县。Zhan Tianyou was born in 1861, in Nanhai County, Guangdong Province.

中国南海管业城,你投资最精明的选择。China Nanhai TUBE TRADE CENTER is your most wise choice for investing.

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很多人去南海度假,因为那里既漂亮又晴朗。Many people go to Nanhai on vacation, because it's beautiful and sunny.

1994年至1995年,任中国海洋石油南海东部公司副总经理。He was Vice President of CNOOC Nanhai East Corporation from 1994 to 1995.

南海市也是广东省的农村精神文明先进市。Nanhai is also an advanced country in its rural ideological civilization.

在佛山、南海、高明三地拥有三个产业园。We have three industrial parks in Foshan, Nanhai and Gaoming respectively.

文章对自动控制系统在南海市环保发电厂的应用实例进行了分析和介绍。The application of the control system in NanHai Waste Power Plant is analyzed.

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中国南海珍珠久负盛名,在世界珍珠业的地位举足轻重。The Nanhai pearl of China is famous historically in the world with significance.

欢迎各界朋友莅临佛山市南海区威欧电器厂参观、指导和业务洽谈。Welcome all friends to Foshan nanhai V. O electric factory guide and business cooperation.

但环境问题正日益威胁着南珠产业发展。However, the environmental issues threaten the Nanhai pearl industry development gradually.

本厂位于有“五金之乡”之称的佛山市南海区金沙。Our factory is located in the "hardware village, " said Sands, Nanhai District, Foshan City.

结合南海涠洲11-4油田脱硫化氢防腐蚀的成功经验,探讨海上油田防硫化氢腐蚀的问题。The paper discusses such issue based on the successful experience in Nanhai W11-4 Oil Field.

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友信五金有限公司,位于交通发达的佛山市南海区。Yosin Hardware Co. , Ltd is located in Nanhai District Foshan City Guangdong Province in China.

首次发现南海与禅城之间有这么清晰的分界说明。Saw such a clear explanation of a district boundary between Chancheng and Nanhai for the first time.

广东省南海市土地利用数据库是在1∶1000土地利用现状图的基础上建立的。The foundation of the land-use database of Nanhai City was based on the 1∶1000 scale map of land use.