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请给我波本酒加苏打水。Bourbon with soda water,please.

他喝光自己的第四杯波旁威士忌。He'd finished his fourth bourbon.

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他喝光自己的第四杯波旁威士忌。He’d finished his fourth bourbon.

黑麦酒和波旁酒是两种威士忌酒。Rye and bourbon are examples of whiskeys.

弗兰克先生,晚上好。来杯加冰的波本威士忌吗?。Good evening, Mr. Frank. Bourbon on the rocks?

波旁郡是一个比较干燥的郡,居住着又蠢又笨的美国人。Bourbon County, is a dry county. Which is just stupid.

波旁王朝统治法国达二百年之久。The Bourbon dynasty ruled France for more than 200 years.

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苏兰威士忌、华士波。您想点什?Chivas Regal and Bourbon. Would you like any drink before dinner?

波旁王朝统治法国超过两百年。The Bourbon dynasty ruled France for more than two hundred years.

波旁王朝统治了法国超过二百年的时间。The bourbon dynasty ruled France for more than two hundred years.

尽管太阳王已经日显老迈,波旁王朝的根基仍然坚固。The French Bourbon dynasty is strong, even though Louis XIV is aging.

“诺亚米尔波本威士忌”于肯塔基州的山脉中手工酿制。Noah's Mill Genuine Bourbon Whiskey is handmade in the hills of Kentucky.

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波本威士忌,桃子糖浆,鲜香橙,薄荷叶,洋甘菊茶。Bourbon whiskey, peach liqueur, Fresh orange, mint leaves and chamomile tea.

塞缪尔经营制造波旁威士忌标签的生意,这是他的父亲之前经营的。Samuels runs the bourbon maker Maker's Mark, which his father ran before him.

依您的选择可用任何酒或利口酒替代波本调制这款酸。Substitute any liquor or liqueur for bourbon to make the sour of your choice.

我在免税商店买了一瓶波磅酒,是我自己要用的。I bought a bottle of bourbon at the duty-free shop, but that's for my personal use.

倒入波本和杏仁入杯,加糖,咖啡顶部加适量奶油。Pour bourbon and amaretto in served glass, add sugar, coffee and on the top -cream.

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波旁芥末调味的鸡生禽将锁定在肉的味道。Seasoning the raw poultry for bourbon mustard chicken will lock in flavor within the meat.

总的来讲,人们认为比利牛斯山脉在过去被称为波旁王朝的地方。In general, members feel that Beauxbatons is located in what used to be the Bourbon Empire.

他扑面而来的的呼吸让她嗅到了一股强烈的混和薄荷香味的波旁威士忌酒味。His breath in her face was strong with Bourbon whisky mingled with a faint fragrance of mint.