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那么,明星的代言行为难道就无可指责?In that case, the star speak on the irreproachable conduct it?

品行端正的人,受人尊敬。A man of irreproachable conduct commands the respect of others.

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为人处世品行方正的人受人敬佩。A man of irreproachable conduct commands the respect of others.

如果认可这一双重目标,拉斯托普钦的任何行动都是无可非议的。If this twofold aim is admitted, every act of Rastoptchin's appears irreproachable.

因此大多数软件认为自身是无可责备的,任何问题都纯粹是用户的错误。He seemed to feel that by his own irreproachable regularity he would clear himself of blame.

品行端正,工作积极主动,责任心强,有较强的敬业精神及团队合作精神。Irreproachable proactive work, a strong sense of responsibility, a strong dedication and team spirit.

整个阶层——军人阶层享有这种天经地义的、不受指责的闲逸的社会地位。And such a state of obligatory and irreproachable idleness is enjoyed by a whole class—the military class.

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通过这些,他的青春,将是贞洁的而不会充满犯罪,他的行为将是无可非难的,他的手将不会有任何污点。Beyond this, his youth must be innocent of crime and chaste, his conduct irreproachable and his hands stainless.

如果李阳和它的疯狂英语真的名如其实的话,这是他的成绩,别人无可指责。Li Yang, and if it were really crazy English as a matter of fact, it is his achievements, others irreproachable.

出色的图形和设计,丰富的游戏模式与时尚的声音成为一位伟大的除了无可指责的游戏设计。Excellent graphics and design, plenty of game modes along with stylish sound make a great addition to the irreproachable game design.

其中,“世博专线”地铁7号直达商场地下层更是成为该地区不可多得的优势。"Expo Line", metro line 7, is easily accessed via the basement of Himalayas Center Mall, which is an irreproachable advantage of the area.

这种天经地义的、不受指责的闲逸,过去是,将来也是服兵股的主要诱惑力。It is in that obligatory and irreproachable idleness that the chief attraction of military service has always consisted, and will always consist.

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最后,结合相关案例进一步阐述无过错归责原则在审判实践中的适用和完善。At last, combine the interrelated cases to expatiate how to apply and consummate the irreproachable doctrine of liability fixation in trial practice.

先生,我除了觉得古怪的玻璃杯和两杯松子酒和滋补品无法抗拒之外,在工作中和工作以外的行为都是无可指责的。Sir, my behaviour both in and out of work has been irreproachable , apart only from the fact that I have found the odd glass or two of gin and tonic irresistible.

约翰·加尔文对塞维图斯之死负有不可推卸的责任,但也是那个时代的责任与错误,不应该由他一个人承担。John Calvin is not irreproachable on the death of Michael Servetus. It is too heavy a burden for him alone, however, to shoulder the responsibility of the age as such.