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窗户对我来说是最重要的。Das Fenster ist mir am wichtigsten.

叫王先生明天到我这儿来。Herr Wang soll morgen zu mir kommen!

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所以我什么都觉得新鲜有趣。Darum schien mir alles so interessant.

斯托雷平对农村共产组织的看法是什麽?What is Stolypin's attitude toward the mir ?

计划一周后给我,可以吗?Du mir den Plan in einer Woche geben, geht das?

米尔鼓励罗素向荷莉表白。Mir encouraged Russell to the Holly profession.

其次,李敖也教导我们往做自己以为对的事情。Second, Mir li teach us to do what we consider right.

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因此,在2001年的今天,和平号太空站解体了。Therefore, on this date in 2001, Mir was taken apart.

1995年至1998年,为筹备该项目,航天飞机往返于和平号空间站。To prepare for the project, shuttles flew to Mir from 1995 to 1998.

绿色是伊朗反对派领导人穆萨维的代表色。Green is the campaign color of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi.

亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机计划与俄国和平号空间站对接。The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia's Mir space station.

但是苏联所做的事情之一却是公布和平号空间站的重量。But one of the things the Soviets did was announce the weight of the Mir station.

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但是,和它的成就相比和平号这些挫折算不了什么。Mir 's setbacks are nothing, though, when we compare them with its accomplishments.

随后,他帮助研发了礼炮号和和平号空间站。He went on to help develop the Salyuts and Progress craft and the Mir space station.

1991年苏联解体,俄罗斯接管了和平号空间站的工作。Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia took over the operation of Mir.

正义与发展党副主席弗拉特否认执政党进行恫吓的说法。Deputy chairman of the AK Party, Dengir Mir Mehmet Firat, dismissed the intimidation charge.

反对派候选人穆萨维提交的法律诉讼还没有正常发展。The legal appeal by the opposition stander bearer Mir Hossein Mousavi has yet to run its course.

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而在那之后,Mir开始增重至如今的265磅,现在两人之间已经不存在体型上的差别。Mir has since bulked up to about 265 pounds, erasing any size differences between the two fighters.

中国玩家毁了欧版传奇,他们会试图对美版传奇做同样的事。Chinese people ruined legend of mir in europe, and they will try to do the same with american version.

从和平2号潜水艇中射出的灯光照亮了沉船泰坦尼克号前甲板上的船锚的姿态。Lights from the Mir 2 submersible illuminate the port anchor winch on the foredeck of the sunken Titanic.