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让我们欢迎韦斯特博士。So welcome Doctor Cornel West.

茱萸入药,可制酒养身祛病。Cornel medicine, liquor health illnesses.

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山茱萸这种浆果味酸,但好吃且有益健康。Cornel is sour, but tasty and healthy berry.

左边是樱桃酒,右边是山茱萸酒。Cherry liqueur on the left, cornel – on the right!

今天你会想也许科内尔,韦斯特就因此而不存在了。And today you wonder if there could be a Cornel West.

柯奈威斯特是一位钻研种族关系的畅销作家。Cornel West is a best-selling author on race-relations.

康奈尔大学是我在纽约探访的第三所大学。Cornel University is the third college I visited in New York.

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与“星”字间隔一个茱萸花纹的是“出”字。And "star" character spacing of a cornel pattern is "out" word.

它的头顶是汉隶“五”字,胸部左云纹上悬挂着一个茱萸花纹。Its head is Han Li "V" word, the left chest hung a cornel moire pattern.

插茱萸和簪菊花在唐代就已经很普遍。Cornel and hairpin chrysanthemum in the Tang Dynasty has been very common.

茱萸是一种植物,果实可以吃,茎、叶都是药材。Cornel is a kind of plant with edible fruit and medicinal stem and leaves.

插茱萸和赏菊也是重阳节的传统习俗。It is also the traditional custom to wear cornel and admire chrysanthemums.

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插茱萸和赏菊也是重阳节的传统习俗。It is also the traditional customs to wear cornel and appreciate chrysanthemums.

对大部分在康乃尔上学的人来说,要进到教室之前必须先爬上楼梯。For most of us, we have to walk up the stairs to get to our classrooms in Cornel.

人们用它来做各种果酱和蜜饯,但我们要告诉你怎样做山茱萸伏特加!People make different cornel jams and compotes, but we will tell how to make cornel vodka!

茱萸是一种植物,果实可以吃,茎、叶都是药材。Cornel is a kind of plant with edible fruit, while its stem and leaves have medicinal value.

提示山茱萸多糖在山茱萸中含量较高,有较好免疫兴奋作用。It is indicated that there is a higher content of polysaccharide in cornel with good immuno exciting function.

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信号控制交叉口实时延误计算模型是实时自适应交通控制系统核心模型之一。Accurate real-time delay model of signalized intersection is one of the cornel models of real-time traffic control system.

罗杰斯投递了13张申请表,申请像普林斯顿、乔治敦、耶鲁和康奈尔这样的大学每张申请表至少花费55美元。At least 55 dollars for each of the 13 applications Katie sent out to schools like Princeton, Georgetown, Yale and Cornel.

在这里人们可以品尝辣椒、山茱萸、浆果、葡萄干制作的伏特加,以及各种泡菜、奢华和多样的食物,此外还有新鲜的鹌鹑蛋。Here one can taste pepper cornel ashberry currants home-distilled vodka various pickles lavish and diverse food and fresh quail eggs.