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因此,作者新创建寒塘组。Therefore, the authors established a new stratigraphical unit-Hangtang Formation.

分析认为,研究剖面附近的深切河槽是局部的深切结果。In conclusion, the deep incised-valley in the stratigraphical cross-section was brush-fire.

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最后,结合层序地层划分分析了古气候变化。Finally, we discuss the paleoclimate change according to the sequence stratigraphical analysis.

这些发生学记录提供了地理学与地层学信息以及出版这些记录的作者姓名。The occurrences give geographical and stratigraphical information as well as the name of the author.

层序地层学现在得到广泛承认,已经成为研究地层的标准技术。Now sequence stratigraphy is widely accepted, and is becoming standard technology of stratigraphical research.

另外,还需引进相关学科的科学方法从事地层学研究。Besides some relevant scientifical methods from other disciplines should be absorbed in the stratigraphical research.

石油勘探中,三维地震数据的显示已成为研究复杂地层构造区域的公认的勘探工具。In oil exploration, 3D seismic data display has become an established means for studying complicated structural and stratigraphical regions.

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从地层层序和植物群的特点上看,该煤组的地质时代为上新世晚期。Judging from the stratigraphical sequence and the characteristics of this flora, the geological age of the said coal series is late Pliocene.

通过对区内沉积盆地地层特征及侧向变化分析,初步划分出了10个层序,识别出若干个沉积体系域和层序界面。On the basis of stratigraphical features and lateral change, 10 sequences have been divided as well as some depositional boundary and tracts.

应用生物标志化合物恢复古气候、古人类活动的探索已成为分子地层学研究的重要内容。Present use of fossil molecules to reconstruct paleoclimate and ancient human activities has become an important part of molecular stratigraphical research.

与米兰柯维奇旋回存在成因联系的幕式地层堆积作用的结果,是在地层记录中形成各种类型的米级旋回层序。Different types of meter-scale cyclic sequences in stratigraphical records are the outcomes of episodic accumulation of strata related to Milankovitch cycles.

岩石地球化学示踪和地层学研究表明,冈底斯带石炭纪为伸展背景下的冈瓦纳陆缘裂陷环境。Geochemical and stratigraphical studies suggest that the tectonic setting of the Gangdese region is depressional rifting to the northern margin of Gondwanaland.

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中国黄土以其地层全、厚度大、分布广和特殊的工程性质而著名于世。Loess in China is world-famous for its stratigraphical intactness, huge total thickness, vast expanse of distribution and noticeably metastable geotechnical properties.

造墙施工因墙深、面积大、地层条件复杂、工期紧等因素,给施工带来了许多难点。A lot of difficulties arise from the construction of wall because of great depth, large area, complicated stratigraphical conditions and short construction period of time.

只有在不断地实践中,运用好地层学与形制学的方法,才能建立起有中国特色的考古学体系。Only by using stratigraphical and typological approaches in the continuous archaeological practice, can we establish an archaeological system with chinese characteristics.

川黔地区晚古生代锶同位素曲线与国外学者公布的同时代锶同位素曲线特征极为相似,显示了在地层学上的重要意义。The fairly high similarity between this curve and other coeval curves sets up by some foreign scholars in other regions abroad, exhibits important stratigraphical significance.

闽西红层的地层划分与对比至今仍然是福建地层研究中存在较大分歧与争论的问题。So far, in studies of Fujian stratigraphy the stratigraphical division and correlation of red beds from Western Fujian are still a problem which is divergent on and argued about.

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区域综合评价以高精度层序地层学的研究思路为主线,圈定侏罗系储层发育的有利区域。Regional comprehensive evaluation should be carried out by the principle of high resolution sequence strata stratigraphical study to circle the distribution of Jurassic reservoir.

综合地层体的多种信息,探讨地质演变过程和生命历史的潮流,使地层学重新成为地质学各分支依托的基石。The advantages of integrating stratigraphical features in studying the history of geological and biological evolution revive stratigraphy as the cornerstone of many branches of geosciences.

笔者近年对黄石地区上二叠统及下三叠统进行了研究,采到了有时代意义的化石。Several new data on the Upper Permian and Permo-Triassic boundary in Huangshi area are reported in the paper, A number of significant fossils were collected from these stratigraphical units.