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灿瑞半导体期待与合作伙伴一起开创美好的明天!So, OCS will have a good future with our partners.

你只能在支会公务费用时使用公司信用卡。You can use your corporate card for OCS expenses only.

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积累飞行里程是商务旅行的额外补贴之一。Gathering frequent flyer miles is one of the perks of OCS travel.

河南联通OCS系统扩容实施工程顺利完成。Henan Unicom OCS system expansion projects had successfully completed.

接触网检测车是目前最常用的接触网检测设备,在接触网参数检测中得到了广泛的应用。Catenary Inspection Car is the most useful equipment, it is widely used in OCS testing.

OCS的2007标准版,使您能够部署在一个服务器使用MSDE数据库。OCS 2007 Standard Edition—Allows you to deploy in a single server using an MSDE database.

我公司的经营成果,创新精神与文化以及卓越的管理亦受到业界好评。OCS has also been remarked for its excellent performances of finance, culture and management.

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方法回顾分析15例经临床证实的小腿OCS患者的临床及MRI资料。Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on clinical MRI data of 15 cases with shank OCS.

问题是早在1980年起国会已经限制了使用大陆架关键部份的权利。The problem is that Congress has restricted access to key parts of the OCS since the early 1980s.

尽管此趋势很明显,绝经前女性继续听到的是口服避孕药是基本安全的。Although the trend was apparent, premenopausal women have continued to hear that OCs are basically safe.

首先,我们应该通过增加对外大陆架的使用来扩大美国石油产量。First, we should expand American oil production by increasing access to the Outer Continental Shelf, or OCS.

本文重点研究了重庆电信在线计费系统的工程设计方案,以及对周边配套系统的改造方案。The thesis concentrate on construction plan of OCS in Chongqing Telecome and conversion of auxiliary system.

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把外大陆架的资源输入油网需要时间,这意味着对国会行动的要求是紧迫的。Bringing OCS resources online will take time, and that means that the need for congressional action is urgent.

为测量电气化铁道接触网导高、拉出值、限界等提供了一种可靠的技术装备。Offers a feasible means for measuring height of conductor, clearance and stagger value of electric railway OCS.

专家相信外大陆架能产出足够的石油相当于美国现在是年的产量。Experts believe that the OCS could produce enough oil to match America's current production for almost ten years.

门诊OCS系统即医嘱传输系统,它是医院HIS系统的主要组成部分。OCS system in outpatient department is physician's order communication system, which is an important part of HIS.

第五章,对接触网平面CAD技术的实现方法进行总结,并对其发展趋势进行了展望。Chapter Five, also the last chapter, summarizes the technology of OCS CAD System and analyzes its application in the future.

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在自我效能上,实验组学生在接受口语沟通策略训练后则有显著的进步。The results also show that experimental group displayed higher self-efficacy after the OCS training than before the training.

对北方风季减少弓网故障,具有一定的参考意义。It has some certain value for reference for reducing the faults of pantograph and OCS in windy period in North part of country.

首先,我们应该通过增加开发外大陆架临海区域的权利来扩大美国的石油产品。First, we should expand American oil production by increasing access to offshore exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf, or OCS.