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好的,我想租一辆彬图。Okay,I try to rent a Pinto.

我问平托为何选择1997年。I asked Mr. Pinto why he chose 1997.

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‘歌伦波’运动仍然是孤立无援的,”Pinto说。"The quilombo movement is still very timid, " Pinto said.

其中最著名的是福特平托的案例。One of the most famous of these involved the Ford Pinto case.

我的爱好则是一些黑色的、藏青色的菜豆或者四季豆。Some of my favorites are black, navy, pinto and kidney beans.

还有人知道福特平托是什么车吗?Do you remember what the Ford Pinto was, a kind of car? Anybody?

平托先生依靠他自身的能力,在硅谷有一定名气。Mr. Pinto is a well-known figure in Silicon Valley in his own right.

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多吃豆类如花芸豆、红云芸、豌豆和小扁豆。Eat more dry beans and peas like pinto beans, kidney beans, and lentils.

2005年,坦妮娅品托曾是德州达拉斯的一名成功年轻女商人。In 2005, Tanya Pinto was a successful young businesswoman in Dallas, Texas.

切尔西主教练穆里尼奥正在关注里斯本竞技边锋蒂亚戈-平托。Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho is keeping tabs on Sporting Lisbon winger Tiago Pinto.

哥斯达黎加早餐——哥斯达黎加的基本早餐是红豆饭。Breakfast in Costa Rica— Gallo Pinto is the standard breakfast fare in Costa Rica.

她的同乡的设计师品托曾精心为她打造高雅紫色合身套装。Her favorite hometown designers like Maria Pinto crafted her sleek purple sheath for her.

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在生产速食干豆过程中,主要包括浸泡、蒸煮和干燥等工序。Blanching and soaking are essential thermal processing steps in the process of precooked pinto beans.

品脱说,海盗退回他们的快艇之后,又朝游轮射击了10分钟。Pinto said that after reboarding their launch, the pirates fired at the liner for another 10 minutes.

埃里克•平托•门多萨驾驶着小船顺马德雷德迪奥斯河而下,在马尔多纳多港享用着啤酒。Eric Pinto Mandoza, who drives a canoe down the Madre de Dios River, enjoys a beer in Puerto Maldonado.

这两位明星选的是蓝色调的衣服,还有很多人则选择了白色及浅色的服装。Winslet and Pinto stood out for the choice of blue, as many actresses favored white and other light colors.

孩提时住在山中,祖母会为我们张罗热乎乎的玉米面包、油煎秋葵和斑豆。When I was young in the mountains, Grandmother spread the table with hot corn bread, pinto beans and fried okra.

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表示,平托一直是巴萨的目标,西甲豪门已经给了他一个初步的报价。Pinto has been a long-term target for Barcelona and has been tabled a preliminary offer by the Spanish giants, says A Bola.

“她是女仆中的艺术家,”Pinto说,微笑着哼起了一首1969年他母亲为了美国登月而写下的歌。"She was a domestic artist, " Pinto said, smiling as he recalled a tune his mother wrote about the U. S. moon landing in 1969.

他们的体色范围从黑道白都有,通常还有类似于有斑点的马那样的杂色斑点。They come in colors ranging from black to pure white and often have striking patterns on their coats, similar to those of a pinto horse.