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大屠杀还是间接死亡?The bloodbath or the death spiral?

一名男子用杯子砸向另一个人的头,还有一个人眼睛暴出,真是一场血战。One person's eye was popping out. It was a bloodbath.

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戴维营会议的失败迅速被第二次巴勒斯坦大起义的鲜血浸染。Their failure led to the bloodbath of the Second Intifada.

而在这个时候,A股市场正处于“大屠杀”中。And at this time, A-share market is in a "bloodbath" among.

密谋的主使人投降之后,一场大屠杀发生了。A bloodbath took place when the leaders of the plot surrendered.

她的咒语,总能掀起电视行业的“腥风血雨”。Her mantra, always set off the television industry " bloodbath."

强化流血天赋现在改名为“放血”,现在同样提高“屠杀”技能的效果。Improved Rend's name changed to Bloodletting, it now also affects the Bloodbath skill.

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上海黑帮血拼应该是全剧的亮点,充满韩氏电影风格。The Shanghai gang bloodbath is the most decent scene in this film, full of Han's style.

如果这项调查的结果是一场舰队街和苏格兰场的大屠杀,那也只好顺其自然。If the result of such an inquiry is a bloodbath in Fleet Street and Scotland Yard, so be it.

但是有一些理由,比一个超级大国为了阻止一场大屠杀而让它自己的士兵陷入危险更加糟糕。But there are worse reasons than preventing a bloodbath for a superpower to put its soldiers at risk.

马尼拉大巴劫持和认知绑架事件在历经11小时对峙后昨晚以大屠杀告终。The Manila Bus Hostage Taking and hijacking incident ended last night in a bloodbath after an 11-hour standoff.

在空袭开始时,政府军雄赳赳气昂昂地挺进了班加西。一场血战似乎不可避免。When the air strikes began, government forces were poised to enter Benghazi. A bloodbath appeared to be inevitable.

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在本周有超过400人死亡,1000多人受伤,联合国描述其为一场大屠杀More than 400 people were killed and over 1, 000 injured over the weekend in what the UN has described as a "bloodbath".

如果墨守陈规,两天的国会咨询足以令班加西遭血洗、叛军政府垮台。A couple of days of dutiful consultation would have resulted in a bloodbath and, perhaps, the collapse of the rebel government.

一八五七年印度爆发反英暴乱,英军浴血攻陷德里,军官和手下一起四处抢掠。During the Indian Mutiny in 1857, British officers joined their men in looting Delhi after it had been captured in a bloodbath.

我大叫声,犹如饿狼入羊群,展开单方面大屠杀。我手里腰刀。I shout loudly a voice, as if the hungry wolf go into flock of sheep, launch unilateral bloodbath. My hand's inside waist knife.

乌滋别克斯坦的起义在一场浴血奋战中告终,同时引发了世界各国的疾呼对其所谓的组织者进行审判。And alleged organizers of the uprising in Uzbekistan that ended in a bloodbath and caused a global outcry are set to go on trial.

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一名联合国发言人在科伦坡称在斯里兰卡东北部所谓非交火区的大屠杀已经成为事实。UN spokesman in Colombo said that the "bloodbath" feared in the so-called "no-fire zone" in north-eastern Sri Lanka had become a reality.

只要能控制存货,零售商就会逐步恢复信心,他们相信能够避免去年圣诞档期血拼销售“血流成河”的惨烈场景。With stocks coming under control, retailers are increasingly confident they can avoid the bloodbath seen in the run-up to last Christmas.

毕竟,奥巴马有这个尊严来反对在伊拉克的战争,即使民主党和共和党都在为这个屠杀宣言而欢呼。After all, Obama had the dignity to oppose the war in Iraq while the Republican and Democratic parties cheered the announcement of this bloodbath.