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炼铝工业。The aluminum industry.

第二种是铝。Number two is aluminum.

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凝汽油剂是一种铝皂。Napalm is an aluminum soap.

金铝圈表面氧化处理。Aluminum ring and oxidation.

铝门是编造的。Aluminum Doors are fabricated.

铝是从铝土岩提炼出来的。Aluminum is made from bauxite.

高纯铝反射器罩。High purity aluminum reflector.

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相比而言,铝是2。For comparison, aluminum is 2.7.

单一片面铝铸造件。Single sided aluminum cast piece.

这是铝馞,对吧?This is some aluminum foil right?

噢,我来把铝条拿开。Oh, let me remove the aluminum bar.

铝的比热是0。Aluminum has a specific heat of 0.2.

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大部分的轮子都有铝质的线杯。Most all reels have aluminum spools.

用铝箔把火鸡缠绕起来。Wrap the turkey up in aluminum foil.

氧化铝,铝加上氧。Aluminum oxide, aluminum plus oxygen.

硝酸铵加铝粉。Ammonium nitrate and powdered aluminum.

这家战鼓由玻璃和铝制成。And it’s made of glass and of aluminum.

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请戴上您的铝箔帽阅读本文吧!Don your aluminum foil hat and read on.

高压铸铝灯体。High-pressure casting aluminum housing.

铝在自然界从不以游离态存在。Never is aluminum found free in nature.