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近年来,世界农药工业萎靡不振,正在经历艰难时刻。The world agrochemical industry is going into hard time.

最后,在丈夫死后不到10天服农药自杀!End, at husband clay-cold take an agrochemical suicide no longer than 10 days!

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在目前的农药市场中,传统除草剂仍是除草剂市场的主体。The traditional herbicide is still dominating the present agrochemical market.

调查的工业包括农业化肥,化妆品和个人护理产品。Industries surveyed include agrochemical , cosmetics and personal care products.

草甘膦是世界上应用广、产量大的除草剂。Glyphosate herbicide is the most commonly used and largest-selling agrochemical in the world.

济南禾雨农药有限公司是具有独立法人资格的全新营销企业。Jinnan Heyu Agrochemical Co. Ltd. is a bran-new marketing enterprise with independent corporate capacity.

Nufarm是行业并购中被私人资本运营公司关注的几家农用化学品公司之一。Nufarm is one of several agrochemical companies targeted by private-equity firms amid an industry consolidation.

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配制微乳剂通常应该选择浊点高的非离子表面活性剂。It is desirable to apply non-ionic surfactants with relative high cloud point in formulating agrochemical microemulsions.

结合STX的结构和作用机制能为发现一种新的农药提供先导。Combining the STX structure and the function mechanism could provide lead first for discovering a kind of new agrochemical.

江苏长青农化股份有限公司系国家定点农药生产企业,国家高新技术企业。Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co. , Ltd. , is a state designated pesticide manufacturer and national high-tech enterprise.

农药的同位素残留分析技术日益受到人们的重视,并取得了长足的发展。The isotope analytic technique of the agrochemical remainder is increasingly valued by people, and has made a substantial development.

除草荆是当今最大的农药市场,也是衡量一个国家农药水平的尺子。The herbicide market is the largest sector of the agrochemical market and it is also a scale to measure the industry level of a country.

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为了养活迅速增长的人口,农业必须集约化,这就会不断增加农用化学品的用量。In order to feed the increase population rapidly, the agriculture have to intensive, that will continue increase the dosage of agrochemical.

同时,农药生产企业纷纷崛起,企业间的生死存亡之战拉开序幕,农药市场的竞争将达到白热化的程度。As the competition becomes fiercer in agrochemical industry, marketing channel turns out to be more and more important for an agrochemical company.

为中国的农化企业以及农化产品以更高的姿态走向世界开了一个好头。It also set a shining example for other Chinese agrochemical companies and their products to enter the international markets in the higher profile.

生物碱类天然产物以及众多具有生物活性的医药、农药中都存在芳—芳键。Aryl-aryl bond exists in natural products such as alkaloids as well as in numerous biologically active parts of pharmaceutical and agrochemical specialties.

一些农用化学品公司,包括拜耳和先正达,一直在寻找方法使植物表达复杂的蛋白质类药物,但是进展相对缓慢。A number of agrochemical companies, including Bayer and Syngenta, have been looking at ways to make complex protein drugs in plants, although progress has been slow.

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首次研究了月柿根际土壤酶的活性及其与土壤农化特性、月柿产量的关系。The enzyme activity of persimmon root range soil and the relation, between the enzyme activity and agrochemical property and persimmon yield are studied for the first time.

单位简介先正达是世界领先的农药化学科技公司,致力于通过创新和科技为农业可持续发展作出贡献。Syngenta is a word-leading company that is committed to promoting sustainable agrochemical through the widespread implementation of innovative research and technology solutions.

这种酶是极大的兴趣,农药的研究,因为它是目前唯一在植物和微生物,使之成为潜在的目标,具体的除草剂和杀菌剂。This enzyme is of great interest in agrochemical research because it is present only in plants and microorganisms, making it a potential target for specific herbicides and fungicides.