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加油工是一个狡猾的飙网者。The oiler was a wily surfman.

“是,偏北一点,”加油工答道。"A little more north, ' sir, " said the oiler.

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加油工和厨子又重新操起了桨。The oiler or the correspondent took the oars again.

“我们还没到那儿呢,”加油工在船尾说。We're not there yet, " said the oiler , in the stern."

对QFD技术及静电涂油机进行了简单介绍。The application of QFD and the electrostatic oiler were introduced.

“算啦,不管怎么说,我们还没到那儿呢,”加油工在船尾说。Well, we're not there yet, anyhow, " said the oiler , in the stern."

油枪和注油器都是机械润滑维护工具。Grease gun and oiler are the lubrication service tools for machinery.

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加油工掌着舵,小船靠着这新装备快速前进。The oiler steered, and the little boat made good way with her new rig.

“大黄峰”号于一九四二年四月二日出航,由若干巡洋舰,驱逐舰和一艘舰队油船护航。On April 2,1942 HORNET put to sea escorted by cruisers , destroyers and a fleet oiler.

为静电涂油机今后的改进提供了一定的依据。That can be applied to the improvement in the future of the oiler and offered certain basis.

厨子继续沉睡,但加油工坐了起来,眨著眼睛,由子新带来的寒冷而发抖。The cook continued to sleep, but the oiler sat up, blinking his eyes and shaking with the new cold.

“喂,夥计们,下一个浪肯定会把船打沉的,”加油工说道。“注意要一下跳进海里。”"Now, boys, the next one will do for us, sure, " said the oiler. "Mind to jump clear of the boat. "

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在这期间我们每天工作超过十个小时,油工甚至每天工作十二个小时以上。During the period, we work over 10 hours every day and the oiler works even more than 12 hours a day.

出于这样的原因,还有其他原因,无论是加油工还是记者都不喜欢在这个时候划船。For these reasons, and for others, neither the oiler nor the correspondent was fond of rowing at this time.

顺便提一句,在船沉之前,加油工在拖船的机器房值了双班。Previously to the foundering, by the way, the oiler had worked double-watch in the engine-room of the ship.

整个航行比较顺利,有时加油工需要急划,以免海水灌入小船。Sometimes the oiler had to scull sharply to keep a sea from breaking into the boat, but otherwise sailing was a success.

但是船长头低垂著,对著水罐,一动也不动,而船舱里的加油工和厨子则睡得熟极了。But the captain hung motionless over the water-jar and the oiler and the cook in the bottom of the boat were plunged in slumber.

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介绍了攀钢冷轧厂连续热镀锌机组“WJ3型”型静电涂油机的工作原理、设备组成、应用成果及发展方向。The article introduced working principle and component for the "WJ3" Type electrostatic oiler in PanGang CGL and it's application.

希拉里达芙曾经对记者说,每次当男友在冰上驰骋,她都会在观众席上发疯一样的尖叫到头疼。When Edmonton Oiler Mike Comrie is on the ice, "I'm the crazy lady sitting in the crowd screaming my head off, " Duff once told PEOPLE.

文章介绍了静电涂油机涂油室的基本结构,分析了喷涂质量对高压静电场的要求。Based on the introduction of basic structure of electrostatic oiler , requirement of static electric field with high voltage is analyzed.