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他是一个酒鬼。Crane was an alcoholic.

避免酒精饮料。Avoid alcoholic beverages.

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基布尔先生是个酒鬼。Mr. Keble was an alcoholic.

自制的酒有的酒性很烈。Home-made wine can be very alcoholic.

嫣然国色带朝酲。Sweet ribbon toward the alcoholic state.


酒精肝的症状,你知道多少?Alcoholic liver symptoms you know how much?

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他能喝酒。他嗜酒如命。He can hold his liquor. He is an alcoholic.

酒精饮料对小孩犹如毒药。Alcoholic drinks act as a poison to a child.

它不含酒精,不发粘甜。It's not alcoholic and it's not sticky sweet.

通常含酒精的傍晚喝的饮料。To stupefy with or as if with alcoholic drink.

她酗酒的母亲在黛登的生活中荡进荡出,飘忽不定。Her alcoholic mother drift edinandout of her life.

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大部分天葬师都是酒鬼。Most of the celestial burial masters are alcoholic.

对不起,请让开一下,酗酒者来了!Scuse me, out of the way, alcoholic coming through!

最常见的例子就是成年人中的瘾君子和酒鬼。The same can be said of an adult smoker or alcoholic.

发泡葡萄酒需要二次发酵作用。Sparkling wine undergo a second alcoholic fermentation.

水使樟脑从其酒精溶液中沉淀。Water precipitates camphor from its alcoholic solution.

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在英国,对烟酒的抽税极重。Tobacco and alcoholic drinks are taxed heavily in Britain.

整个作品无处不透着酒文化的气息。Alcoholic culture exists here and there in the whole works.

比如对醇美,尤其是对醇类异构体的分离效果更佳。The effect of separation is better for alcoholic isomeride.