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未检测到散热器。Heatsink was not detected.

警方侦查出一名间谍。The police detected a spy.

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无线电波可以检测的到。Radio waves can be detected.

没有检测到软碟机。No floppy drive was detected.

未侦测到晶片组散热器。Chipset heatsink not detected.

另外还测出有钴。Cobalt has also been detected.

未探测到以太网卡。No Ethernet card was detected.

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溶出度测定采用HPLC法。Nateglinide was detected by HPLC.

未检测到M4突变等位基因。The M4 alleles were not detected.

她觉察出了原力的波动。She detected ripples in the Force.

雷达探测出一炮艇。A gunboat was detected by the radar.

如今你所说的正是我所料想到的。Now what you said is what I detected.

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形式是检测不到的。The forms after all can't be detected.

MTT法检测各组抑瘤率。Tumor IRs were detected by MTT method.

我觉察她话音里带着同情。I detected a note of pity in her voice.

结果检出格列本脲。Results Glibenclamide was detected out.

他们为什么要这么做?,我们知道。We detected a 132 000 alpha particles.

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这种闪烁由光电管所接收。This flicker is detected on a photocell.

未发现万古霉素耐药株。No vancomycin resistant strains detected.

她闻到房里有煤气味。She detected the odor of gas in the room.