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谁是西德尼·扬?Who's Sidney Young?

雷锋早逝。Lei Feng died young.

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保持赤子之心。Stay young at heart.

我是个少先队员。I am a Young Pioneer.

年轻姑娘把那两个字念道了两遍,“自由干吗?”asked the young girl.

我们都是少先队员。We are young pioneers.

年轻人大声嚷着。shouted the young man.

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小雄马叫做colt。A young male is a colt.

我为您祝福,青年人。I bless you, young man.

夜未央。The night is yet young.

随后进来了一位年轻人。Thn in cam a young man.

你是少先队员吗?Are you a Young Pioneer?

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喂,小骑马师!Hallo, you young jockey!

他是个初出茅草屋的年轻人。He is a green young man.

他对那项工作是个生手。He is young at the work.

是小少爷么?Is a small young master?

韶华不为少年留。Young left for juvenile.

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果实扁球形,果皮青黑色。Fruit oblate, peel young.

他是个身体健壮的小伙子。He is a robust young man.

它必须紧紧抓住年轻的消费群。It must catch them young.