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高加索的叛匪死了,他的恐怖事业也会终结。Caucasus Renegade Dies, and His Cause May Die, Too.

北高加索共和国地区的冲突硝烟又起。Conflicts in its north Caucasus republics have flared again.

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随后该系统将提供给北高加索军区。It will next be provided to the North Caucasus Military District.

一场军事冲突,让世人更加关注外高加索。A military conflict, more attention to the world outside the Caucasus.

该飞机飞往北高加索地区的达吉斯坦俄罗斯共和国。It was bound for the Russian Republic of Dagestan in the North Caucasus.

高加索和小亚细亚的一种常绿树种,树枝下垂,装饰用。Caucasus and Asia Minor used as an ornamental having pendulous branchlets.

克鲁吉亚位于黑海东部,高加索山南部。Georgia is situated to the east of the Black Sea in the southern Caucasus.

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俄罗斯直截了当地向西方发难,要它们远离俄罗斯的高加索后院。Russia has issued a blunt challenge to the West to stay out of its Caucasus backyard.

亚美尼亚是位于欧亚大陆南高加索山脉的内陆国。Armenia is a land-locked country located in Eurasia's Southern Caucasus mountain range.

而在北高加索其新殖民主义的管制方式又点燃了一个火药桶。And its neocolonial methods of governance in the north Caucasus have created a tinderbox.

在俄罗斯北高加索地区,又有至少12人在疑似自杀式炸弹袭击中丧生。At least 12 people have been killed in a suspected suicide attack in Russia's North Caucasus.

蕴含巴拉圭小谷粒,高加索山脉鼠尾草波旁皇族的天竺葵味调。Contains the notes of Petit Grain from Paraguay, Clary Sage from the Caucasus and Bourbon Geranium.

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从监控录像中可以看到数名中亚及高加索的人神智不清满脸是血地在行走。Video images showed several men from Central Asia and the Caucasus walking dazed with bloody faces.

乌马罗夫说,袭击意在北高加索地区建立独立的宗教国家。Umarov said that the attack was intended to establish an independent North Caucasus religious state.

苏联欧洲部分东南城市,位于高加索山脉的山脚下、第比利斯西北偏北。A city of southeast European U. S. S. R. at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains north-northwest of Tbilisi.

他说,亚美尼亚是中国在外高加索地区的重要合作伙伴和可靠朋友。He said that Armenia is an important cooperation partner and reliable friend of China in the outer Caucasus.

索尔达托夫说,在北高加索地区日常的大部分杀戮事件都没有得到俄罗斯位于莫斯科的媒体的报导。Soldatov said that the daily killings in the North Caucasus go largely unreported in Russia’s Moscow-based media.

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科学家重点研究玛兹梅斯卡亚洞穴,俄罗斯欧洲北高加索山脉上的一个关键地点。The scientists focused on Mezmaiskaya Cave, a key site in the northern Caucasus Mountains within European Russia.

尽管当时的苏联试图强迫高加索居民说俄语,但许多高加索语言到今天依然繁荣。Despite Soviet-era attempts to force residents of the Caucasus tospeak Russian, many Caucasian languages thrive today.

这留下了不受保护的高加索山脉。在战争和堕落后数年,高加索和波斯平民在忍饥挨饿。This left the Caucasus unprotected, and the Caucasian and Persian civilians starving after years of war and depravation.