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这电影很值得看。The movie is very watchable.

是编程人员必看的方法论。Watchable programmers is the methodology.

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她绝对是使这部电影值得关注的一个原因。She definitely makes at least part of the movie very watchable.

但是,豪斯医生依然很有观赏价值,我确定我下周还会继续观看的。Still, the series was very watchable and I'll make sure to watch next week's show.

这个礼拜我们将话题从根茎蔬菜转移到多叶的蔬菜。This week, we move from wet watchable and root vegetables to a level leafy vegetable, cabbages.

西奥多拉·范朗克尔的服装和费的美丽发型使这部电影有了极佳的观赏性。Theodore Van Runkles' costumes and Faye's wonderful hair made this film fantastically watchable.

这是个值得一看的恐怖片,但是它并没有克服情节空洞和叙述式的计谋这些缺点,最要命的是它一点儿也不恐怖。It's a watchable thriller, but it struggles to overcome plots holes and narrative contrivances, and it's never actually very scary.

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一旦所有技术要素都齐备,我想最终的3D电视是不需要戴着眼镜观看的,这将更加方便。Once all the technical elements are ready, I think the ultimate shape of 3D TVs should be the one watchable without the glass, as it is easier.

文章提出,在视觉文化时代,电视新闻恰当地运用视觉语言,重视电视画面的表现力,提升电视新闻的画面美感度和信息量,是增强新闻可视性的一种有效方式。It is pointed out that, in the era of visual culture, TV news could be more watchable by using visual language properly and improving visual communication.

切尔西的亮点在于兰帕德的插上进攻,虽然前60分钟里阿穆尼亚并没有收到太多威胁,但是切尔西打得很好看。For all Chelsea's clever movement, and the surging runs off the ball of Frank Lampard, Almunia had not been tested enough in those first 60 minutes. But they were bright, and immensely watchable.