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“三天,”格西答道。Three days, " Gussie said."

我知道这都是因为有了格西…I knew it was because of Gussie.

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没事,我刚才跟格西说话来着。Oh, I was just talking to Gussie.

格西在斯珀多住的一星期又很快过去了。Gussie 's extra week in Spur passed all to quickly.

格西开车35英里,将丈夫送到医院。Gussie drove her husband to the hospital, 35 miles away.

格西回到斯珀差不多是两年以后的事了。It was almost two years before Gussie came back to Spur.

“你根本就没在找一个小老太婆,”格西说。"You weren't looking for a little old lady, " said Gussie.

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克莱德把车驶到路边,格西跳下车,一头钻进棉田。Clyde pulled over, and Gussie hopped out and plunged into the cotton.

“格西,我想结婚,”他告诉她。“你愿意嫁给我吗?”" Gussie , I want to get married, " he told her. "Will you marry me?"

“如果你答应我一件事,我就再住一星期,”格西说。"I'll stay another week if you'll promise me one thing, " Gussie said.

我开始意识到格西的确在实践“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”。I began to realize that Gussie was offering her own last true measure of devotion.

十一月一日,就是父亲到达加利福尼亚一星期以后,他和格西结了婚。On November 1, just a week after my dad had arrived in California, Clyde and Gussie got married.

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他偶尔会提到威利斯四姐妹之一,当时住在加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托市的格西·李。Occasionally he mentioned one of the Willis girls- Gussie Lee-who now lived in Sacramento, Calif.

取了行李后,他们朝汽车走去。格西打算在斯珀只作短停留。为了有借口,她故意只带了够四天用的行李。They collected her hag and headed for the car. Gussie had deliberately packed for only four days-an excuse for a short visit.

克莱德和格西一致同意,百年之后,克莱德将葬在我母亲的旁边,而格西将长眠在她前夫比尔的一侧。Clyde and Gussie had agreed that he would be buried beside my mother, and Gussie eventually would lie next to her late husband, Bill.

危机过去了。但第二天早晨,他的病情仍然严重。格西坐在那儿,精疲力竭,还要装出一副欢快的笑脸。The crisis passed, but the next morning Clyde's condition was still grave. Gussie sat there exhausted, trying to put on a bright face.

他们俩都表白再也不结婚了。当时,克莱德84岁,格西81岁。两人均认为年事已高,已不宜再做这种荒唐事。Gussie and Clyde told each other they would never get married again. He was 84, she was 81, and they were too old for such shenanigans.

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醒来后,克莱德说他胃痛得厉害。他再一次被送入手术室。格西和我又等候了许久许久。When Clyde woke up, he complained of a terrible pain in his stomach. Once again he was rushed into surgery. Once again Gussie and I spent long hours waiting.