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我和同我在一起的众弟兄,致书给迦拉达众教会。And all the brethren who are with me, to the churches of Galatia.

和一切与我同在的众弟兄,写信给加拉太的各教会。And all the brothers who are with me, To the churches of Galatia.

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和一切与我同在的众弟兄,写信给加拉太的各教会。And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia

人民南加拉提亚可以以礼称为加拉太。The people of South Galatia could with propriety be styled Galatians.

这样的事情发生在由圣徒保罗所创建的位于加拉太的教会。This very thing happened to the church in Galatia that the apostle Paul started.

在弗吕家和加拉太一带布道以后,保罗想往西去。Having travelled and preached in the Phrygia and Galatia area, Paul intended to move westward.

一些这些,在所有的概率,跟随他到南加拉太后不久,他的第二次访问。Some of these, in all probability, followed him to South Galatia , soon after his second visit.

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他所指的,是小亚细亚哪一部分存在争议,几个地区都被称为加拉提亚。There's some debate about exactly what part of Asia Minor he's referring to because there are different parts that were called Galatia.

在加拉太教会的一些犹太人,由于要维护本身的立场,便不单攻击保罗所传讲的福音,更恣意毁谤他。That is exactly what the Jews in Galatia were doing to the apostle Paul in order to justify their position and destroy his teaching of the gospel.

加拉提亚地区包括多座城镇,更像一封通函,在不同地方流传。Galatia refers to an area that included different towns, and so this is something like a circular letter that would have gone around to different parts.