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罗琳在埃克塞特读了大学。Rowling attended university in Exeter.

我去了新罕布什尔州的菲利普斯埃克塞特学院。So I went to Philips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire,

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埃克塞特东边是奥特里圣玛丽村,西边是查德利村。Just to the east of Exeter lies the village of of Ottery St.

还能知道马克毕业于飞利浦艾克赛特学院之后进入哈佛大学学习。He graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy and attended Harvard University.

达什伍德太太说明了地点,就在埃克塞特以北不到四英里的地方。She explained the situation. It was within four miles northward of Exeter.

在08年全英国大学排名中,埃克塞特大学名列13。In the British university ranking in 2008, the University of Exeter runs the 13th.

尊龙的创始者,狄大卫,毕业于英国埃克塞特大学的法学专业。Zun Long's founder, David Dear, graduated in Law from Exeter University in England.

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英国哥特式教堂包括坎特伯雷,林肯市,约克以及艾克赛特大教堂。The English Gothic cathedrals include Canterbury, Lincoln, York Minster, and Exeter.

6月26日星期四下午2点,沪江网编辑参加埃克塞特大学在沪举办的记者见面会。At 2p.m. of June 26th, a press conference of UNIVERSITY OF EXETER was held in Shanghai.

他们的这项发现来源于埃克赛特大学生态保护中心所发起的一项研究。The findings come from a study led by the Centre for Ecology and Conservation at Exeter University.

埃克塞特和新罕布什尔州其它地区的选民正准备选出总统候选人。So here in Exeter and across New Hampshire voters are preparing to select their candidates for president.

埃克塞特大学的学者也敦促制造商减少食品包装和容器中的双酚A用量。The Exeter University academic also urged manufacturers to cut down on BPA in food packaging and containers.

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拉尔比Sadiki博士在英国埃克塞特大学说,许多阿拉伯和其他国家政府不利于权力下放。Dr. Larbi Sadiki of the University of Exeter says many Arab and other governments do not favor decentralization.

随后在5-0横扫伯明翰时得到了首发而另一次出场是在本赛季联赛杯战胜埃克斯特的比赛中。A first start followed in a 5-0 rout of Birmingham and another appearance in this season's Carling Cup win at Exeter.

但英国埃克塞特大学的生物学家菲奥娜马修斯有不同的看法。But biologist Fiona Mathews of the University of Exeter in the U.K. wondered if there might be a less sinister force at work.

我的东西上周五晚在市中心埃克塞特认为是正确的了,有对我的畏惧调查表,与时代并进,我去。I did something last Friday night in downtown Exeter that was right up there on my fear scale with the time I went parasailing.

但是,如果你是购物,因为我们只是寻找3埃克塞特市森特和一个公园及乘坐服务英里接近手。However, if shopping is what you are looking for we are just 3 miles from Exeter City Cente and a park & ride service is close to hand.

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史蒂芬•哈里森是一位地貌学家,专门研究地貌对气候变化的反应。Stephan Harrison is a geomorphologist, specialising in landscape responses to climate change, at Exeter University and Oxford University.

大约同一时间的守护神,圣博尼法斯,出生于附近克雷迪,这是说,他收到埃克塞特他早期的训练。Around this same time the Patron Saint, St Boniface, was born in nearby Crediton and it is said that he received his early training at Exeter.

奥斯陶斯说该研究有助于证明猫科动物智商的局限性,她作为Exeter大学讲师,进行了这项实验。The study helped show the limits of feline intelligence, said Osthaus, who conducted the research while a teaching fellow at Exeter University.