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猪骨洗净飞水。Wash and water blanch spare ribs.

花尚未放,竟漂白了你的鲜艳。Nor age, to blanch thy vermeil hue.

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所有的蔬菜粒焯熟,备用。Blanch all vegetables and set aside.

五花腩汆水,然后用水清洗。Blanch the pork belly and then rinse.

杏仁焯一下,烫去表皮。You blanch almonds to remove their skins.

新鲜毛豆用盐水焯一下。For fresh ones, blanch using salted water.

一想到去就使她脸色煞白。The very thought of going make her blanch.

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将金华火腿及瘦肉汆水,备用。Blanch the jinhua ham and lean pork. Set aside.

西芹及甘笋放入沸水中略煮,沥乾。Blanch celery and carrot in boiling water. Drain.

荷叶放滚水内拖软,扫上麻油。Blanch lotus leaf until soft, brush with sesame oil.

在热水里焯1-2分钟冷冻过的毛豆。Blanch frozen edamame over boiling water for 1-2 mins.

地图漂白是一家族企业,有着悠久的传统。Fruita Blanch is a family business with a long tradition.

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蒸水,用热水灼从宝丽乳液。Use hot steaming water to blanch the emulsion from a Polaroid.

我们把杏仁泡在沸水中去皮弄成白色。We blanch almonds by soaking off their skins in boiling water.

可怕的昆虫是否会使您畏缩,而尸体会将您变得面色苍白?Do crawly insects make you cringe or dead bodies make you blanch?

小排骨洗净,放入滚水中烫过,取出备用。Wash pork spare-rib. Blanch the spare-rib in boiling water, remove.

在滚水灼熟后立即放进冰水中。Blanch in hot water and dip immediately in ice water to stop cooking.

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的确,要打败维尔姆泽,只需使威灵顿的头发变白就是了。In fact, to get Wurmser, it sufficed to blanch the hair of Wellington.

把鱼头煎香后再汆水,整齐铺在锅底内。Pan-fry fish heads till aromatic. Then blanch and transfer into a pot.

漂白是将食物放进开水里,通常非常快。To blanch involves plunging food into boiling water, usually very quickly.