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有必要拟写、演练和检验防范计划。Preparedness plans need to be written, rehearsed and tested.

中国军队应该做些什么来提高他们的战斗准备?What should Chinese military do to improve their battle preparedness?

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安全委员会架构图,工厂安全制度,紧急事故处置预案。O-chart of safety committee, safety procedures, emergency preparedness.

整合可以界定为“智力备变”的方针。Disconfirmation can be defined as "intellectual preparedness for change."

粮农组织还在防灾、备灾和预警方面发挥至关重要的作用。FAO also plays a crucial role in prevention, preparedness and early warning.

此番是拿巴洛第四次来该地区视察禽流感防治工作。Nabarro is on his fourth visit to the region to review bird flu preparedness.

正如我说过的,已经在多个层面实施防范措施。As I said, preparedness measures on multiple levels have already been launched.

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你是否把供应商预算控制准备情况纳入到你的整体预算控制过程中?Has the BCM preparedness of your vendors been incorporated in your BCM process?

全体人员都须按照防火和紧急事故准备状态规划接受培训。Personnel should be trained on fire prevention and emergency preparedness plans.

此次评估将侧重于备灾环境中的社会性别问题。This evaluation will focus on gender within a disaster preparedness environment.

人们,还包括医药行业,已在全力强化防范措施。Intensified preparedness measures, also by industry, are already fully under way.

Natawidjaja说,必须进行灾难预防的大规模评估。Natawidjaja said large-scale evaluations of disaster preparedness must take place.

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为防范和预警进行的监测必须针对登革热来制定和调整。Surveillance for preparedness and alert must be tailor-made and fine-tuned for dengue.

描述了核应急计划与准备的技术基础。The technical basis for nuclear emergency response plan and preparedness is described.

世界各地有许多卫生专业人员接受了防灾应急培训。Hundreds of health professionals worldwide have been trained in emergency preparedness.

下图显示的是在俄勒冈-波特兰市进行的灾害应变演习。The image below is a screenshot from a disaster preparedness exercise in Portland, Oregon.

印度空军干得漂亮。你们的战备给了我们反击中国的信心。Amazing job performed by IAF. Your preparedness give us confidence to counter China's move.

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请伸出援手,支持香港红十字会于海地提供紧急赈济、重建及备灾援助。Please support our disaster relief, rehabilitation and disaster preparedness work in Haiti.

尽管如此,它仍然可以唤醒这些地区的意识并帮助建立一种防灾的文化。Still, it could raise awareness and help create a culture of preparedness in these regions.

世卫组织促请所有国家制定防备计划,但只有40个左右国家这样做了。WHO has urged all countries to develop preparedness plans, but only around 40 have done so.