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玄武岩红土壳具帝状结构。Lateritic crust of basalts is of zonal texture.

此外,藓类植物与其地带性植被关系密切。The moss is in close relationship with its zonal vegetation.

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纬向感热输送主要是西风输送。The zonal sensible heat transfer is mainly by westerly winds.

下角标Z和E分别表示纬向分量和旋涡分量。Subscripts Z and E are for zonal and eddy components respectively.

山地雨林是热带北缘季风气候的地带性森林类型。The study revealed the zonal characteristics of the montane rain forest.

雷诺协强的径向梯度驱动带状流抑制了湍流输运。Zonal flows can be driven by the radial gradient of the Reynolds stress.

其经向风分量与纬向风分量同等重要。The meridional wind component and zonal wind component are same important.

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矿体严格受火山口构造控制。Orebodies in zonal distribution are strictly controlled by crater structure.

介绍了替喷、气举和泵抽等分层试油工艺方法。Substitution, gas lift and pumping are also introduced as zonal production test.

在赤道西太平洋暖池,温度的纬向对流有很大的贡献。The western Pacific warm pool is mainly contributed by zonal temperature advection.

山地雨林是热带北缘季风气候的地带性森林类型。Montane rain forest is a zonal forest type in the northern tropical monsoon climate.

我们踢区域防守,但是他有时可能会到我的区域抢点。We play zonal marking, but he’ll probably end up running into my area at some point.

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共和盆地地处半干旱地区,地带性植被为荒漠草原和草原类型。The zonal vegetations of the semiarid Gonghe Basin are desert steppe and steppe type.

常绿阔叶林是本区最基本类型,地带性植被。The district is basically of evergreen broad-leaved forest, which is the zonal vegetation.

心部组织中的带状铁素体是引起断裂的主要原因。The fracture mainly is due to the existing of zonal ferrite in the microstructure of matrix.

二战后德国的分裂与美英苏制定的分区赔偿政策息息相关。The split of Germany after World War II was closely related to the Zonal Reparations Policy.

这种周期振荡现象与赤道平流层的纬向风的准两年周期振荡现象有很好的对应关系。It is well correspond to zonal wind oscillation on low layer of the stratosphere over Equator.

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该研究为电离层不规则结构纬向漂移速度的测量提供了一种可行的方法。This research will provide a feasible method for measurement of the ionospheric zonal velocity.

推导了岩石间隔性区域断裂半径的计算公式。The analytical formula for the radius of intermittent zonal fracture process of rock is deduced.

长白山是温带大陆季风型高山气候。The climate of Changbaishan is Alpine Climate of monsoon types in the temperate zonal continent.